Monday, May 12, 2014


I’ll Tell You What You Believe When I See What You Do
by Ruth A. Sheets

The American “Christian Right” has stepped up its campaign to make the United States a Christian nation.  They claim incorrectly, that the founders were Christian and really intended that this be a Christian country which only tolerates people of other religions.  To modify that notion further, they want us to be a people that reflects their particular world view.

What does that world view consist of?  It is a world of the Bible, so they tell us.  Jesus is at the center of this world and of course, Jesus looks like them, tall, handsome, and white.   

It is not sufficient to hold these beliefs within their own spheres.  Members of the “Christian Right” see themselves as evangelists.  To forward their “cause,” they are and recruit public officials willing to pass laws restricting the rights and beliefs of others, (for their own good, of course).

The “Right” laments the lack of formal Christian prayer in school.  They sue districts for their anti-school prayer policies so the Supreme Court will ultimately rule that school prayer is really OK.  And, the current court will.

The “Rights” laws require that The 10 Commandments be posted in courthouses and courtrooms.  Of course, among the several versions, the one to be posted is the King James version, the one they grew up with. They can’t actually state what the Commandments are and don’t follow them particularly well. They “love” guns and encourage wars, and have no problem bearing false witness against their neighbors or coveting their neighbor’s . . . .  Oh well!  That clearly doesn’t matter; it’s the principle.

Their interpretation of their Bible demands women’s submission.  This allows men to pass any law they feel necessary to keep women in the place men approve for them.  “Christian Right” men value women who have learned to want only what their men provide.  Women with choice regarding their reproduction, on the job pay, or anything else is forbidden.  Women just can’t handle it.   

The “Christian Right” reads hatred of homosexuality on every page of their Bible and will stand against any manifestation of it to the death (well, maybe to the death of the homosexuals).  This is interesting since there are so few references to same-sex anything in the Bible it is almost invisible.  And, Jesus said nothing about it.  He clearly would have known of it as popular as it was in Roman culture.

Jesus tells his followers to care for the poor, imprisoned, outcast.  However, the “Christian Right” seems to despise the poor judging by the budgets they bring to Congress.  There are more imprisoned in America than in any other country.  The “Christian Right” doesn’t have much problem with that.  Funds to support “the least of these” are being cut on a regular basis.

Our problem with the “Christian Right,” as I see it is that few non-members today seem brave enough to say “NO” to the “Right.”  Each time they pass a law that restricts religious freedom in one state, a group of them in another part of the country pushes a similar law through there too.  Then, it creeps around to other states and localities. 

The cost of challenging a law once it is passed and signed is high.  The “Christian Right” knows this.  If enough restrictive laws are passed, the rest of us will be overwhelmed, unable to challenge all of them.  On top of this, the “Right” restricts the vote, so more “Right” lawmakers are elected.

We need to stand up and fight the childishness of a group of “Christians” who think they have the full truth. They don’t.  Seeing what they do, though, we know what they believe.
They believe that one’s gut feeling is more valuable than thinking. 
They believe the Bible is one’s plan for life, even if they pick and choose from it what they will follow and ignore the rest.
They believe that money and the pursuit of it for themselves and their kind is Holy and entitles those who have the most to do whatever they want with it.  They are God’s favored ones.
They believe the poor are in that condition due to their own actions.  If they weren’t lazy and stupid they would have money and whatever they want and God would bless them.
They believe that acting holier than thou is better than actual caring, kindness, and love directed toward the other.
They believe they have a phone line to God and no matter how they act, God approves and wants everyone else to approve.
These are the fantasies of self-centered children who have no business governing anything.