Thursday, May 30, 2019


By Ruth A. Sheets
May 27, 2019

In recent months, many, perhaps as many as 400 bills have been passed in legislatures in the United States to restrict or eliminate abortion.  This is despite the fact that Roe vs Wade is the law of the land and has been for more than 46 years.  The states are passing “laws” that they know are against the Constitution, hoping the Supreme Court will fix things in their favor.

The anti-choice movement has sunk their teeth in to the idea that their personal lives will be better if only abortion is stopped and those dear little fetuses are born.  They become more and more restrictive in their demands on women to the point that in addition to eliminating abortion, they don’t want to allow any kinds of birth control either.

I can't help but wonder, if Rowe v Wade is overturned, who will the appalling anti-choicers go after next.  Whose rights will they then move to restrict or take away?

What we all need to understand is that when taking people's rights away, it does not stop with the stated purpose.  For example, one state started with stupid "Three Strikes" laws and the movement kept going until we had more than 2 million Americans incarcerated, many, perhaps even most for minor offenses or drug use crimes which then required life in prison.  What stupid, outrageous laws!  But a lot of people bought the fantasy that this would stop all crime and they would be safe in their little American dream houses.  Who cares what happened to those in prison, that was not their problem.  Then, they wanted to arm everyone and passed concealed and open carry laws.  Carrying around automatic weapons is now on the agenda of many of the “Three strikes” bunch.

The self-righteous do not stop with one issue.  They get their power and jollies from hurting other people to prove they are so much better, holier, more worthy than those people.  It is a guarantee this group will find new targets.  I am thinking Muslims, progressives, teachers, and a host of folks who make a positive difference by helping others.

We who care about human rights need to be getting this message out loud and clear.  The anti-choicers will not stop with abortion!!!  These currently anti-reproductive rights individuals can't stand not spouting their hatred of everyone who does not live, think, and do things that make them feel comfortable and "secure."

We must get the media on board to let people understand how the process works.  The genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda did not just happen.  They began with neighbors being told to hate neighbors for one reason or another, but primarily because they were not of the right group or didn’t act in the right way.

The Germans of the 1930s got this.  They didn’t go after all their enemies at one time.  They built up to it, little by little in one place at a time, restricting rights until people got used to the new normal they’d created.  When appalling atrocities were committed, it was pretty easy for most people to blame the victims whom they thought were working to destroy their community, culture, nation, etc.

Mr. Trump and his cult are introducing these same factors into American society and they are getting a lot of help from outlets like Fox News and Facebook.  They are also getting lots of support and cooperation from Republicans in Congress and in state legislatures, who of course, are mostly men, as it always is in movements to take away or restrict human rights.

I suspect this whole anti-choice movement is not about abortion at all.  To prove it, I have a modest proposal.  My sister gave me the idea and I think it’s a good one that should be seriously explored.

The stated goal of the anti-choicers is to end abortion.  Why do women need abortions?  They have had sex with fertile men.  So, I propose that at age 13, all boys have vasectomies.  This would be part of their coming-of-age ceremony and would be accompanied by a lot of pomp and circumstance as such a ceremony should be.  The pain would be a minor inconvenience for the joy of knowing they would not produce an “unwanted” pregnancy.

Then when the “man” is older and marries, he can get permission from his wife to have his vasectomy reversed so he can be responsible for the children the wife decides to allow him to father.  The rate of abortion would go down so far that it would truly be rare or perhaps, nonexistent.   

Of course, even though this would be a great way to stop abortions, it could never happen because men, in general, particularly the anti-choice men are not about stopping abortion really.  They are about keeping women from moving into the realms they believe are their own.  Many women have been so brainwashed  that they agree to the BS the men are spewing.  And they will buy whatever hate they can dump on the next targeted group.

So, sisters and men who believe in human rights, stand up and yell with your strongest voices to stop the anti-choicers and expose the fact that abortion is not the final phase to their quest.  There is even darker stuff ahead unless it gets stopped here.

WOMEN, THE MEDIA, 2016, AND 2020

WOMEN, THE MEDIA, 2016, AND 2020
by Ruth A. Sheets
May 30, 2019

At the beginning of the 2020 campaigns, it is necessary that the media, all the media cover female candidates with respect and honesty.  They deserve at least that much.  They are all , at least as qualified as the men in the group of candidates.  They should be judged by their proposals and their ability to address the needs of this nation.  NO mention of their hair, cute or otherwise.  There should be no comments on their perky outfits, whether or not they are perky.  They should not be told their voice is too strident or harsh.  Few people have a harsher , more strident voice than Donald Trump. 

In the 2016 election, most of the media covered nearly every one of Donald Trump's words and lies, but called them everything but lies.  Cameras focused on empty podiums while awaiting the mega (or MAGA) star.

In the interest of “equality” and “fairness,” they did cover Benghazi and emails when discussing Hillary Clinton (except, of course when Mr. Comey was inappropriately chastising her and after her mention of some of Mr. Trump’s followers being a “basket of deplorables).  Mr. Trump was shown shouting, yelling and egging on crowds with his lies and half-truths with no identification of those comments which were lies.  Perhaps the reporters and newscasters thought that would take up too much time.

Hillary had pneumonia, like many Americans each year, but was instantly described as unfit, not healthy enough, not strong enough, etc.  Mr. Trump dictated a note supposedly from his doctor describing him as the healthiest person ever to run for president, a man who could live to be 200.  That was shown over and over.

Mr. Trump was allowed to loom over Ms. Clinton in debates instead of being forced to stay at his own podium with the threat of ending the debate.  Mr. Trump is a bit taller, so for a lot of people, he seemed bigger, stronger, manly enough to be president, while poor pathetic Hillary Clinton just stood there trying to present her “ridiculous” platform.

Mr. Trump was and still is proud that he does not read and it is reported that he does not listen very much either.  Hillary Clinton was and is well informed about the world and the issues that directly impact the nation.  That fact was mentioned a few times, on MSNBC, but even more rarely on mainstream or other cable media outlets.     

Benghazi was thrown in Clinton’s face often as though she had gone in and single-handedly killed the Americans there.  Isn’t it interesting that Mr. Reagan and his Secretary of State were not held responsible for the more than 200 Marines killed in Lebanon in the 1980s, or George W. Bush not held responsible for 9/11, attacked embassies,  or the extreme recession of 2007?  But Hillary Clinton is forever associated with and blamed for Benghazi.

The private emails Hillary Clinton didn’t turn over to the government was the other issue.  If it was such a big deal, why is Donald Trump’s family allowed to keep private servers?  Why is Mr. Trump allowed to have an unsecured phone?  Oh, they’re men and Republicans.  As we are learning lately, Republicans don’t have to abide by the law, any law.

Hillary Clinton was blamed for her husband’s infidelities while the people who accused Mr. Clinton and led to his impeachment were cheating on their wives.  Mr. Trump was not blamed in the media for the way he treated his wives over the years either.  It was like a joke.   Boys will be boys!  And, the women are always responsible.   

Detailed plans for improving conditions for all Americans were laid out by the Clinton campaign, but what was covered concerning them, she told coal miners they would be losing their jobs and that everyone had a responsibility to help them find quality jobs.  That was seen as a slap in the face for miners and other white working men.  Mr. Trump shouted that he would keep coal mining jobs and he would make coal great again.  Miners are still losing their jobs, but there is no strong federal program to help them.   Coal is a losing proposition, but Mr. Trump had no clue.  Ms. Clinton did.

The media was markedly unfair to Ms. Clinton in 2016.  More than the media led to her electoral college defeat, but media coverage definitely tipped the balance.  Already the female candidates running for the 2020 election are receiving comments about their hair, their clothes, the way they walk, their voices, and on and on.  The “b” word has also been employed.  (Maybe the “b” means brilliant, brave, balanced.)  I have heard no similar comments about the men.  Of course, conservatives and Republicans make disparaging comments about male candidates, but mostly political, not gender or appearance related.

In 2016 we expected more from journalists, but got garbage and a pathetic childish president who “hates” the media OK, that’s not exactly true, though, every time Mr. Trump says something disparaging about the media, he laughs because he knows what the media did for him and what he thinks he can make them do for him again in 2020.

Unless some serious changes in the media are made related to the women in the race, 2020 will be a repeat of 2016.  With Russia helping out, Mr. Trump could be allowed to trample any candidate, particularly women who might run against him.  That would be bad for all of us.

Monday, May 20, 2019


by Ruth A. Sheets

American women are facing a crisis that should have been settled more than 46 years ago when Rowe V. Wade was correctly ruled on by the Supreme Court.  The ruling stated that women have a right to abortion in the United States.   Since that time, conservatives and people who call themselves “Right to Life” have been doing everything possible to overturn this Supreme Court decision.  Why?  They want women put back in their place, back where “God” decides on pregnancy and men rule the home and everything in it, or think they do. 

One can understand why men would like this.  It allows a man to remain a juvenile who can boss a woman and children around, treat them just as he wants to, and be sure “his” woman does nothing he does not approve.  The confusion for me is that women go along with this.  One of the media darlings on this issue was a woman named Phyllis Schlafly, a lawyer whose purpose in life was to tell other women they should not have what she had.  Being a stay-at-home mom was a glorious thing, something all girls should aspire to. 

With her help, over time, vitriol against abortion and the women who had one became vicious.  A fetus was a person for many of them, even to the point of having more rights than the woman who carried it. 

When the “pro-life” prayerful protests didn’t work, their actions became louder and more extreme.  The movement encouraged bombing clinics where abortions were performed, killing abortion providers (it would save a lot of baby lives), passing draconian laws to make simple unimposing, safe, clean facilities unacceptable and require instead, unnecessary, unbelievably expensive surgical centers to perform a simple 5-minute procedure. 

When these actions  didn’t have the desired results, the movement got help from mega conservative organizations that designed bills for Republican legislatures all over the country that would ban abortions after some period into a pregnancy (20 weeks at first, then 8, then 6 weeks),  forced ultrasounds on pregnant women, forced women to get male permission, enforced extremely inconvenient long waiting times, threatened doctors with prison.  None of these helped any women because, of course, they were not meant to.  They were meant to send us back to the good old days when women had to seek back-alley abortions, often dying as a result.  For the pro-lifers, that was OK because those women deserved what they got for daring to end a pregnancy. 

Since the pro-lifers love fetuses so much, one might wonder if they care what happens after the all-sacred birth.  The answer is, of course not.  That’s the mother’s responsibility now.  Pro-lifers just got the baby born.  Now, you’re on your own.  Good luck!

No  matter how hard we who are pro-choice examine the problem, we just can’t seem to understand a few things (OK, anything about the pro-life position). 

- First of all, how does a man, any man (especially old white men) have a say regarding women's reproduction?  Men will never know what it means to be pregnant let alone pregnant as a teen, as a rape victim, as a victim of incest, as a college person trying to get life started, as a desperate carrier of a severely compromised fetus, you know, the things that could lead a woman to choose abortion.

- Then, how can a politician have a say in women's reproduction?  These guys not only are mostly not women, they are not doctors, and they really don’t care to learn about women’s needs.  Men are often pathetic hypocrites who don't want government in their business but are more than OK if government is in women's vaginas and uteruses.  

- Furthermore, How is it religious fanatics have any say regarding women's reproduction beyond FaceBook comments?  This country was built on the separation of church and state.  The right to abortion does not mean you must have an abortion, just that you can choose to have one. 

How should the thinking women of America respond?  We should pull a Lysistrata on the men of America.  Refuse all sexual contact with any man who does not 100% stand behind women's right to choose.

Men think that because they are loud and strong physically that they have a right to tell women anything they want about everything.  They don't and perhaps it is time we take a hint from the Ancient Greek play and kick disrespectful men out of our beds, possibly, our lives. 

Then we need to work on the women who are so afraid of men and what they think that they will betray their sisters and claim it is OK for women to be treated like little kids with no rights and no control over their own bodies.  Perhaps these women need to be pushed back a bit until they grow up and stand up for themselves and for their sisters. 

In the Greek play “Lysistrata,” the women refuse their beds to their men until the men stop the war that has been raging.  Well, this is a war against women.  It’s time we women follow the heroine Lysistrata and kick men out of our beds until they grow up and get out of women's reproductive decisions. 

Come on sisters and supporters.  Lysistrata has come to America and is showing us the way to get what we need! 

Monday, May 6, 2019


Dear Republicans & Conservatives in Congress,

Where do you stand on global warming?  Yes, I call it global warming because that is what is happening.  Climate change sounds so innocent and natural even though what our planet is now experiencing is neither.  We, human beings are doing it.

Barack Obama (Oh God, I just wrote that name you are trying so hard to obliterate) helped to negotiate the Paris Climate Treaty which nearly every country in the world signed in good faith.  That is shocking because nearly every country just doesn’t agree on anything, yet they did on this one.  Mr. Trump can’t stand that a Black man could do anything for this country, so is working to nullify anything that was passed by Congress or set up by executive order during the 8 years he was in office.  Mr. Trump still feels the sting of not actually having won the popular vote, so is doubling down with his “base” to try to go back to some past time when America was great and white men ruled with impunity.  He should be ashamed.

I get it, though, that Mr. Trump has no shame.  He cares nothing for this country as long as he keeps whatever wealth he has and is allowed to get as much more as he possibly can.  Just because this appalling human being got into the White House must not mean that you Republicans should fall before him like bowling pins or nobodies, kowtowing to an emperor.  Where is your pride?  You Republicans as well as Democrats should be standing behind and totally supporting the Paris Climate Agreement, no matter who in this country helped negotiate it.  Shame on you if you betray your constituents because you are scared and must bow to an incompetent fool who has no regard for you or anyone else. 

When your constituents are losing their homes, businesses, and communities, you will probably be dead, but your children and grandchildren will have to answer for what you have not done, that is, if they survive the floods, fires, and lack of food that you  could have helped stop. 

Take a deep breath, face Mr. Trump and Mr. McConnell and tell them that you fully support the Paris Climate Agreement and that you demand a vote to support it.  If Mr. McConnell will not bring the bill of support to the floor, threaten to remove Mr. McConnell from his post.  You should have done that a long time ago in the service of the Constitution, but alas, that is for a different letter.

Mr. Trump talks a lot about loyalty, but he only really cares about loyalty of others to himself.  You swore an oath of loyalty to the United States of America and our Constitution.  It is time you start acting like that oath means something to you.
