Wednesday, October 25, 2017


by Ruth A. Sheets

Those of you who became pregnant after the celebrations of the inauguration of Donald Trump way back in January, have given birth or will in the next week or so.  I thought you might like to consider the gifts your man Donald has given to your new baby.

  1. He has delivered the Supreme Court to the most Conservative elements of society.  You believe in all those Conservative ideas, you say.  Ah yes, that is until they make rulings that restrict your rights, not the one to keep and bear arms, but perhaps the ones that force you to keep making the rich richer.  Oh, you’re one of the rich.  I guess this won’t be a problem for you.

  1. When Mr. Trump could not get a “repeal and replace” for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), he single-handedly cut subsidies to insurance companies that support those who cannot afford regular insurance plans.  How bold of him.  You say your employer provides health insurance for you?  I’m sure that coverage has no co-pays or other financial outlays.  Of course, your share won’t ever go up.

  1. The Conservatives in Congress let CHIP go unrenewed.  This means health care for many children won’t be covered.  Oh, of course, your child’s care is covered, so what happens to those other kids really isn’t your problem, is it?

  1. Mr. Commander-in-Chief has declared that transgender and foreign-born persons cannot be in his military.  Oh, yes, your child is too young to care about that and someone will come along later and fix that before your child comes of age, but wait, your child is neither of those things, so no problem.

  1. Mr. Trump and his friends don’t like people who are Muslim.  They don’t want them in their country, so they have placed bans on their entrance into the US.  You say you are not Muslim so this is not a problem for you either.  

  1. Mr. Trump wants to completely “reform” America’s taxes.  He and the Conservatives in Congress are working hard to do this with a tax plan that will REWARD the wealthiest and give a few crumbs to the rest of the taxpayers.  Oh, you are among the 1%?  Congratulations.  You will continue to be coddled and your child will continue to have enormous privileges.  How fortunate for you.  Who needs Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.  These will all be cut because those “Welfare Queens” get too much already.  

So, you see, you have brought your child into the best of all possible worlds for Wealthy Conservatives.  And, with the limiting of voting rights and gerrymandering, your child can look forward to many years of privilege and success.  Merry Christmas!