Tuesday, July 30, 2019


by Ruth A. Sheets

The American founders could not  have anticipated  the New Bully.  He has at his disposal resources they could not have imagined:  Twitter, teleprompters, instant communication, a gigantic military stationed all over the world, an enormous economy run by massive corporations:  banks, conglomerates with financial holdings larger than most countries of the world. 

They did understand hatred and distrust of immigrants, ignorant followers, bullying, bombast, lying about one’s opponents, insults and name calling. 

They did not anticipate a president who would cozy up to foreign leaders who had proven themselves anti-American while dismissing long-time allies.  They could not anticipate a president who dropped out of world-wide negotiated deals made under a previous administration because that president wasn’t white.     

The founders lived in a world ruled by kings and small-time leaders.  Conquering or defending with national armies is how one scored points and gained or lost territory.  The common people were pawns in this military show.  Companies and individuals traded with whomever they wanted to with an occasional nod from the leader.  

Two-and-a-half centuries on, Royalty has little power, though some influence.  Armies usually march off with some kind of cause, no matter that it is often a cause trumped up and usually has a bad outcome.  Most people today don’t  expect to be used as pawns or appreciate it either. 

In this new world, a bully can easily arise since he (nearly always he) can bluster and blow his stuff to huge audiences on television, radio, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, giant venues, and so many other places.  The new bully can target his message and attacks to just the right people, those who are angry, frustrated, afraid, feel ignored, but who don’t really understand exactly what they are experiencing.  They want to blame someone.  The new bully can give them people to blame and hate.  Who cares if his targets are not the actual source of their troubles.     No problem, create the lie and jam it home.

Another tactic is to shout a lot.  It is no longer necessary to shout with the new sound systems, but it works for the bully.  He can yell at the audience telling them in so many ways there is something wrong with them if they don’t see the world the way he does.  He gets live audiences chanting 3 or 4-word slogans that everyone can get into, even if they don’t make sense.  Of course, legal or not, the bully can keep people he does not like from his rallies, so the chants go on uninterrupted.
The new bully avoids the press when possible, stands in front of a noisy helicopter to make himself seem more powerful while being “interviewed,” even calls the work of excellent journalists “fake news” and blames them for keeping him from doing the “wonderful” things he wants to do for the people.

The new bully lies almost all the time, about almost everything, with no check.  His followers, like a religious cult, are totally OK with it, or they say “I wish he wouldn’t do that, but it’s for a good cause.”  Besides, the other side is doing it too. (usually not true, but, who’s counting?)
The new bully in power surrounds himself only with people who are totally loyal to him.  He will regularly test their loyalty.  He will make them do things for him that are on the edge of legality, sometimes going over the line.  They will lie for him, affirm anything he says and defend anything he does.  They will insult those he needs insulted.  In short, if they had any integrity they are expected to jettison it before coming into service, and they do.  If they are caught showing any, they are fired.  So, after a short time, no one around the new bully has an independent thought. 

As if that were not bad enough, he puts into positions of government authority, people who are completely incompetent, at least for the positions they are to enter.  The confirming body (Senate(, approves everyone even when they know the person should not have been nominated.  This means the bully will not be challenged over any of the undermining actions he takes to destroy the department, agency, or program they work for.

Threats are his best weapon.  He threatens duly elected officials either having incriminating information on them, obtained from whatever nefarious source he can get, or by primarying them.  That effectively removes them from among those who could challenge his actions or position in the future. 

There’s more!  The new bully uses his economic and military power to threaten anyone who gets in the way of his efforts.  It works best to bully poorer nations whose economies depend on trading with his country.  Order that country to do whatever you want, and usually, they will comply out of desperation.  When that is successful, the threats move to larger countries who are not as dependent.  When they don’t immediately comply, he moves ships and troops in with the obvious intent to do some military damage to their country:  their infrastructure, their economy, or create some other havoc. 

Anyone in his own country who dares to oppose him is treated to verbal abuse, sometimes interference by law enforcement and other organizations under the bully’s thumb.  The bully is usually racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and xenophobic.  He uses these stances to court other bullies, while he claims to be none of these.

The new bully calls opposition leaders names, gets his rally crowds to malign them, lies about them and their positions, even disparaging the cities they come from.  The bully will threaten to take away citizenship of true citizens and otherwise arbitrarily change the nation’s Constitution.

OK, you get it, I am talking about Donald Trump, however, he is not the only one.  The leaders of The Philippines, Russia, Brazil, India, Hungary, China, and Poland are also new bullies.  I suspect there are a bunch of others too.  They each were “elected” even if the popular vote was not with them.  They have enough of a following that they can do pretty much anything they want with impunity.  For example, in The Philippines, Mr. Duterte has been responsible for thousands of extra-judicial killings under the guise of controlling drugs.  Mr. Xi of China has imprisoned at least a million of its citizens in concentration “reeducation camps.” (A rose by any other name . .)  

It is clear that Mr. Trump and his cronies love the role he is playing and would like to extend it into the next decade.  In fact, they would like it if Mr. Trump never had to leave office at all, a bully they can control forever.

If there were a kid at a school with the children of any of Mr. Trump’s followers who demanded unconditional loyalty, asked the kids to lie for him, took their money and gave it to the well-off kids on the playground, lied to them all the time, pushed struggling kids out of the way, those parents would be at the school screaming and yelling that the bully be stopped.

Well, why aren’t they yelling now to stop Mr. Trump’s bullying?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Death Penalty, Again?

by Ruth A. Sheets 

On Thursday, July 25, 2019, the Justice Department decided to reinstate the Federal death penalty. They laid out a timeline for killing the first five folks starting in December.  Attorney General Barr’s stated reason, he owes it to the families to carry out the death penalty.

How Is it we never seem to get the message that the death penalty is not a deterrent?  People have known this for a very long time, so why do Mr. Trump's cronies NEED to reinstate the Federal death penalty?  For the families?  Really?  

I suspect it is to give Mr. Trump and his allies a tool they think they will need to use as they consolidate their power, perhaps toward some type of dictatorship.  They will need to be able to kill the dissenters.  That is a scary scenario and very little that I have seen lately deters me from this feeling.  

This move to dictatorship was again made clear to me earlier this week when I heard pieces of Mr. Trump's speech to the group I now think of as today's "Hitler Youth,"  Those young people cheered at Mr. Trump's hate speech about a lot of anti-American topics, but mostly toward the 4 duly-elected congresswomen he has been focusing on.  No president should be speaking such hate about anyone, and Mr. Trump is doing it regularly with impunity.  If this does not scare you as an American, it should.  

Many Germans in the early 1930s didn't get what was going on either.  They loved the enthusiasm, the giant crowds all in sync.  They were OK with putting blame for their troubles on someone (not them, of course).  It made life a little more bearable. 

The over-the-top rhetoric cast a spell on just enough of the population that they could rise up in support of whatever the ruler, Hitler, wanted.  The nationalized media blasted out the words of the Leader.  Eventually, the rest of the population was overtaken by the hatred and fear.  By then, they felt helpless to do anything about it, so went along or tried to remain invisible.  Some resisted, but not enough.   

I can't help but wonder who the specific targets of the revived death penalty will be.  It is almost certain they will be predominantly people of color, disabled persons (with mental illness or addiction), or some other social reject.  Sound familiar?    

The truth is that more and more people in this country are turning against the death penalty while Mr. Trump’s cult is embracing it.  Getting revenge for “the families” is not a reason to keep it.  Neither is political power or pandering to a base that does not even begin to understand the complexities of the issues related to the death penalty, let alone the broader challenges facing the world today.  

It is hoped members of Congress, no matter the party, will support and vote to abolish the death penalty.  We just don't need capital punishment as it is not a deterrent and it is dangerous to have it, especially in the hands of people who will not be honest about why they want it.  Who will be targeted? 

Donald Trump wants to be a dictator.  That’s how he conducted his businesses and he likes that style.  That’s been clear since he rode down his golden escalator in 2015.  He erroneously believes he already knows and understands everything and has surrounded himself with massive corruption that insulates him from the impacts of his actions.  He can control who attends his “rallies.”  His helicopter speeches separate him from the press, and, he thinks, make him look strong and in control.  He lies nearly incessantly these days.  He can spew his vial words and insults to children who are already being brainwashed as to their own superiority.   

He is constructing a wall of power toward his dictatorship.  Let’s see which bricks are in his wall so far  

First, he has surrounded himself with extremely loyal people whom he controls through information he has over them, money that can primary them if they are seeking office again, and a set of shared beliefs that rich white men are the target of all kinds of P.C. actions against them.  

Second, the Senate is controlled by a man, Mitch McConnell, who wants to be the dictator’s right-hand, who disregards the Constitution when it suits him, who has kept important legislation from coming to the floor, just because Mr. Trump doesn’t like it.  The Senate, with its Republican majority,  also approves every inappropriate candidate that comes before them for every department and judgeship in the government, a possible goal, to destroy the norms that keep the government operating effectively.  He is also a shield for his wife (the Secretary of the Department of Transportation), Elaine Chao’s corruption.  Wow, that’s a big brick! 

Third, Mr. Trump right and left, delivers “Executive Orders” which have to be challenged in time-consuming actions in the courts.   Then, sometimes, the best they can do to stop the actions is to put a temporary stay, since the Supreme Court, with its 5-4 conservative majority tends to approve whatever Mr. Trump wants, whether the argument has merit or not.     

Fourth, Mr. Trump openly admires and talks up dictators around the world, telling us how much he loves them and wants to work with them.  Mr. Putin of Russia and Mr. Kim of North Korea come to mind immediately, but the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is right up there too.  In addition, Mr. Trump is trying to employ the trappings of dictatorhood like military parades, pardoning war criminals he thinks he can use later, and using his “bully pulpit” disparaging anyone in the government or military who does not agree with him.

Fifth, He has lied about his opponents, used hate speech against them, even to the point of encouraging a set-up chant at a rally, “send her bck” directed toward a duly-elected congresswoman, the old “love it or leave it” BS.  That is while he is talking about how bad America is.  Hmmm!  

Sixth, the death penalty reinstatement on the Federal level is one more brick in the wall, Trump’s “real” wall, the one that makes him dictator.  The southern border wall he wants is just one way to keep out anyone who isn’t the right color and might stand against his dictatorship.  He has empowered ICE and the border patrol to do unspeakable things like set up concentration camps, isolate parents from children, conduct raids that tear families apart and deport parents, deny entrance or even due process to asylum-seekers and refugees.  He blames the poor countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador for all America’s problems while conveniently forgetting that Republican president, St. Ronnie Reagan caused a lot of those problems by supporting gangs of thugs in those countries who killed, just because, and completely ignored what the people wanted in favor of what the U.S. supported corporations wanted. 

The question now is, how high are we going to allow Mr. trump’s wall to rise?  Will we continue to dismiss Mr. Trump’s constant lies as “Oh, that’s just Donald Trump?”  How long will we continue to allow sitting members of congress and respected leaders in this country to be maligned for Mr. Trump’s pleasure and move toward power?  Will we continue to allow  a Department of Justice “policy” to determine that no president can be indicted while in office, a POLICY?  Will the death penalty restoration be the first step toward killing off the opposition, calling them/us criminals? 

It seems to me we Americans who still give a damn need to knock that wall down before the mortar dries and hardens, when it will be much harder and more people will be swept up in the brainwashing, and spread of disinformation and ignorance.  

OK American demolition squad, it’s time we go after that wall, the “real” wall.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


by Ruth A. Sheets

We really need climate leaders.  We actually are all in this together and will all go down together if we don't stand up NOW!  What are we waiting for?  Well, we need leaders who can provide coordinated direction.  Change may be scary, but in this case, it is happening whether we want or believe it or not.  It is essential that we behave as though it is happening.

The Trump administration's replacement for the Obama-era Clean Power Plan is appalling and should have been immediately rejected by Congress.  Ha! Lessening regulations on clean air, water, power plant emissions, etc. is really near-sighted and stupid!  There is no other way to describe it, but Mr. Trump does not care.  He is trying to appease fossil fuel corporations, who by the way also know their industries are largely responsible for global warming. 

With all the research telling us we need to act immediately to avert climate catastrophe, we're counting on states to lead the way.  The Federal Government is pretty much absent as Mr. Trump and Mr. McConnel pretend they are still living in the 1950s.  

We need ALL the states in this.  Even though we have a lot of backward thinking legislators all over the country, we need our governors  and other state officials to step up and constantly stand for a green future.  They must motivate the less informed to want to participate with those of us already working on this crisis. 

Below are some recommendations every state and governor can work for, with dedication and effort. 

1. Set a strong statewide emission reduction goal.  That can take many forms from gas emission standards to getting more vehicles off the roads.

2. Set strong clean energy use and energy reduction goals that people can implement.  This can include encouraging people to raise their thermostats to 79 or 80 degrees on hot days and to 70 on cold days.  Making sure people have low energy light bulbs, turning off lights not being used, reusing materials when possible, setting energy reduction goals for one’s household, etc. can make a difference.

3. Set goals for electric vehicles.  Provide financial incentives for buying electric vehicles and be sure that there are sufficient recharging stations either at people’s homes or in public spaces.   

4. Set a waste reduction goal.  Encourage households to use less disposable material.  Use more reusable products like straws, shopping bags, storage containers, etc.

5. Direct state agencies to support and deploy clean energy, renewable resources.  Leaders need to make it clear that this is a public good and that supporting wind farms, the solar industry, and sustainable agriculture are priorities.

6. Develop an industry that effectively handles waste and recycling.  Build or repurpose plants for sorting materials and using the products to make other things we need.  We sent stuff to China for a long time, the time when we should have been processing our own trash and recycling.

7. Set strong energy building codes.  No home should have a new roof without solar panels and the structure to use the electricity generated from those panels.  Subsidies should be available to help with this.

8. Shift transportation spending and policies to support low-carbon modes.  Support public transportation in a more substantial way, making public transportation more comfortable, easily accessible, and user friendly so more people will choose it.  Tax breaks might be employed to help low-income people choose public transit.

9. Limit new fossil-fuel infrastructure.  It is critical that we move those resources to renewable energy sources.

10. Collaborate on regional and national climate initiatives, whatever is possible to ease our carbon footprints.

11. Research and support should be made available for enhancing sustainable agriculture including verticle farms, hydroponics, genetic research, and more.

12. Traffic patterns including traffic lights should be studied to see how they can be better synched to ease rush hour stress and to help cars to be more efficient getting from place to place.

13. Research money should be put into turning roads, parking lots, and other public spaces  into solar farms so all that heat could be transformed into usable energy.  In addition research on buildings could help develop glass that can allow heat from the sun into buildings on cold days and not on hot days.

14. Efforts should be made to plant more trees and create more green spaces.  This can have a cooling effect, particularly on cities.  

15. More funds should be available for turning abandoned properties either into green spaces or affordable housing.  This could also include schools, warehouses, and other buildings no longer used for the purpose they were intended.  

In short, there is a lot we could be doing.  Of course a lot of it requires money, but so does cleaning up after hurricanes, tornados, floods.  Power outages cost money as does caring for people ill from the effects of heat.  Global warming is speeding up, so we need to act NOW. 

We need our leaders to speak about these issues ALL THE TIME, not just when it is convenient for a speech somewhere or at the ribbon cutting for a new plant.  We are RUNNING OUT OF TIME!  It really is a crisis.  

Friday, July 19, 2019


by Ruth A. Sheets

I recently read a “balanced” article (the author’s claim) about abortion, you know that subject that was pretty much a done deal by the mid-1970s.  But, some conservative Christians and Roman Catholics needed a cause to bring them together for political power.  Abortion was the only issue they found they had in common.

Like so many “balanced” (but actually conservative) articles, it started with the premise that people on both sides are guilty of some kind of extremism. (Uh huh, false equivalency? 

The anti-choicers ultimately want to ban all abortions.  But until then, in the case of incest and rape, and maybe for the health of the mother it might be OK.  We can gradually shorten the window for abortion:  NOT AFTER 20 weeks, then 16 weeks, then 6 weeks! when electrical impulses that will at some point turn into a heart start firing (HEARTBEAT), then maybe to conception. 

The pro-choicers are supposed to be guilty of wanting unlimited abortions, abortion on demand.  You can abort that fetus the day before it is due, and if you can’t quite get that done, you can have the nurse wrap the baby up and decide whether or not to do away with it as Donald Trump suggests.    

Of course, presented this way, the anti-choicer position seems reasonable (allowing some abortions with a few small restrictions), while the pro-choicer position seems heartless and appalling, untrue, but truth has little to do with this.

Anti-choicers have worked hard at seeming “reasonable, but with a quick thought, one can see their restrictions are not.”  A 72-hour waiting period because she might change her mind (it is hard for women to travel the many miles to a clinic twice, taking off work could cause  her to lose her job).  Forbid 3rd trimester procedures (even though these are extremely rare and nearly always health-related).  Close clinics unless they have hospital-like physical plants (totally unnecessary for a very SAFE simple out-patient procedure).  Require invasive ultrasounds to show the “mommy her baby (the fetus is tiny and a vaginal ultrasound is completely unnecessary before an abortion – slut shaming). 

The problem, each time anti-choicers get their measures approved by the courts, they just have to take a next step, 20-week limits, requiring doctors to have hospital privileges in hospitals that don’t offer them that courtesy.  OK, we got that now, what’s next, six-week/heartbeat bans, ban on “morning after” pills, ban on the simplest safest abortion procedures.  Criminalize abortion, the women who get one and the doctors who perform them (99 years in jail).  Ridiculous, but each has been passed and signed into law in states of this union, despite the fact that abortion is legal in this country.  Anti-choicers seem so desperate to keep women under control that they will just ignore the law and pass whatever they want to punish those horrible sluts who just can’t keep their legs closed.

What has happened here is that anti-choicers discovered political power.  They often see themselves as the victims of something:  anti-Christian bias, anti-Christmas rules, anti-gun legislation, loss of phantom jobs to immigrants, anti-white bias, and a bunch of other imagined troubles that have been either drummed up or exacerbated by ultra-conservatives as a way of creating and arousing their base.

Abortion is the perfect issue for the anti-choicers because both men and women in a variety of cultures and religious groups have been brought up to believe that women are inferior as is anyone who is poor not white.  Men can sleep around because “boys will be boys.”  If a girl/woman gets pregnant, she was asking for it and is a slut.  Her punishment, carry that baby the whole nine months.  You can give it up for adoption or get your family to take care of you, you sinner.  This position has a lot of emotional appeal.  It allows for a smugness, a sense of empowerment, a chance to point fingers that a lot of people just love.  

Unfortunately, the pro-choicers’ message is a simple straight-forward one.  A woman should have bodily autonomy.  She, with whatever support she wants/needs, should determine what is best for herself and all safe options should be on the table.  You know, CHOICE.  That kind of thinking does not place enough controls on women and does not slut shame, important criteria for anti-choicers. 

Pro-choicers say all women should have access to whatever form of birth control is best for them, if they choose to use any.  In addition, they should have the right (as Roe v.  Wade says they do, to a safe legal abortion if that is their choice.  They should also have full support if they choose to carry a pregnancy to term.  Anti-choicers don’t even want birth control to be legal and widely available, so again, women lose. 

I am particularly sad for the anti-choice women who have drunk the Kool-Ade that tells them it is God's will that they became pregnant so "you get what you get; it's all in God's hands.  You get no choice, too bad for you."  Alas, that is not a very kind rendering of God in our world.  I think there is a special place in hell for women who stand against their sisters' choices and their right to choose.  They must get a thrill out of forcing pregnancy on their sisters, more slut shaming.  What bullies!

A bunch of people, mostly men, want to control women's lives because they fear women will actually take their rightful place in society as equal to men in every setting. SCARY for them!

Interesting though that the evangelicals and Roman Catholics manage to get their abortions, but under another name (like induced labor at 5 months, DNC, etc.) if they have the money to “take care of things.”  That is just too much like hypocrisy to let it pass.  These “lucky” women grieve and mourn over their decision to “end their pregnancy” (abort), while women who choose abortion are not supposed to feel relief and gratitude.  They should suffer life-long emotional problems for ending the existence of something the size of a fingernail. 

There is no “balance” here as I see it.  One side wants all pregnant women to be forced to carry pregnancies to birth because pregnancy is God’s will, no matter the consequences to mother or child.  The other side wants a woman to be able to choose for herself.  One eliminates choice (for the sake of the fetus – NOT!).  The other allows for more than one healthy outcome.

It’s time we get over the lies and insanity and look at some truths. 

-Women do not have an abortion on a lark.  They always have what they BELIEVE IS a good reason.

-Planned parenthood and other abortion clinics do not force anyone to have an abortion.  It is an option.

-Evangelicals and Roman Catholics are hypocrites caring more for a finger long fetus than they do a fully developed child born into the world.

-Most, if not all anti-choice inspired regulations are unnecessary or actually harmful to the pregnant woman, the fetus, or both.

Abortions will continue to take place no matter what regulations are passed.  They always have and they always will.  That is how one can tell that this whole issue is actually about controlling women and not about saving lives.  If it were the latter, women would be making their own reproductive decisions, just as men do.  There would be no anti-choice movement, and safe abortions would be available everywhere in this country without protest.  More women die from birth complications and other problems of pregnancy by far than die from abortion (abortion deaths, nearly 0).    

As abortion becomes harder and harder to obtain for many women in this country with increased restrictions, women and supportive men are going to have to step up to learn how to perform abortions that are safe and effective even if they ARE NOT ACTUALLY NURSES OR DOCTORS.  Women’s communities will have to purchase the equipment and train women to use it.  Such groups will have to stock up on “morning after” pills AS WELL AS ANTI-ABORTIVES and learn how to use them properly and safely.  Returning to back-alley abortions is not an option.

Friday, July 12, 2019


by Ruth A. Sheets

The Trump administration has levels of corruption not seen since Ulysses Grant was president 150 years ago.  And this one is even worse because President Grant himself was not involved in the corruption.  Mr. Trump cannot say the same.

As prosecutor Alexander Acosta’s actions have captured the attention of the media, I started thinking about corruption.  Mr. Acosta “freed” a man credibly accused of sex trafficking because the man was a billionaire, yet still was nominated and approved for the position of Secretary of the Department of Labor that deals with sex trafficking.  I wondered, what is the vetting process like for this administration.

I imagine a series of questions with points for each that can help the FBI and other officials in Mr. Trump’s circle select people for offices and judgeships in the administration.

1. Is this person a straight, rich, white male? 

a. If YES, 25 pts.

b. If NO but is willing to be a Black or Latino token, 10 pts.

c. If a woman married to someone useful to Mr. Trump, 10 pts.

d. If anyone else 0 pts.

2. Does Mr. Trump know this nominee personally?

a. If YES, 10 pts.

b. If NO, but you run a powerful fossil fuel corporation – particularly coal, PAC, or have a rich family,

10 pts. 

c. If NONE OF THE ABOVE, 0 pts.

3. Has this person ever criticized Mr. Trump?

a. If YES, 0 pts.

b. If NO, 15 pts.

4. Is this person ultra conservative or a claimed prosperity Evangelical/Catholic?

a. If YES, 10 pts.

b. If NO, 0 pts.

5. Will this person be willing to sacrifice personal values and integrity for Mr. Trump?

a. If YES, 15 pts.

b. If NO, 0 pts.

6. Does this person have ties with Russia?

a. If YES, 10 pts.

b. If NO, 0 pts.

7. Does this person believe the United States needs no more immigrants, no asylum-seekers and that a border wall is great for keeping “those people” out?

a. If YES, 10 pts.

b. If NO, 0 pts.

8. Does this person regard the Constitution as the most important framework for our nation and that it should be adhered to?

a. If YES, 0 pts.

b. If NO, 15 pts.

9. Does this person see women as objects to be used by males at will, and want the Government to have control over women’s bodies?

a. If YES, 10 pts.

b. If NO, 0 pts.

10. Does this person regard the Government’s money as their own money to be spent for anything desired?

a. If YES, 10 pts.

b. If NO, 0 pts.

11. Does this person believe no one is above the law?

a. If YES, 0 pts.

b. If NO, 10 pts.

12. Does this person believe Mr. Trump should be able to do anything he wants as president despite what the Constitution or laws say?

a. If YES, 50 pts.

b. If NO, 0 pts.

13. Is this person willing to direct Government, taxpayer money for personal gain or for projects that will enrich family members?

a. If YES, 10 pts.

b. If NO, 0 pts.

14. Does this person think it is not only acceptable, but expected that they lie to Congress?

a. If YES, 20 pts.

b. If NO, 0 pts.

15. Is this person in any way knowledgeable about or competent in the skills needed for the position being nominated for?

a.  If YES, 0 pts.

b. If NO, 20 pts.

Let’s look quickly at a couple of Mr. Trump’s Administration and how they add up.

Brett Kavanaugh (Supreme Court Justice) – 185 pts.

William Barr (Attorney General) – 190 pts.

 Elaine Chao (Secretary of Transportation) – 175 pts.

Betsy De Vos (Secretary of Education) 190 PTS.

Ben Carson (Secretary of Housing & Urban Development) – 180 pts. (he’d have gotten more, but alas, he’s not white)

NOTE:  These are only guesses since it is not always clear just how corrupt these people actually are.

Try this scoring system for any member of the administration.  They would all score above 150 pts.  This includes the judges given life-time appointments to the Federal courts.  Shame on the Senate for approving them, often without any kind of hearing.

Hey, You could use this for Senators and Representatives too.  What a thought!