by Ruth A. Sheets
I want to wish each of the 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump this year a merry Christmas, and Notice, I did say Christmas. I suspect you all are feeling pretty bad right now because your boy lost, but you should be really angry right now. It seems Mr. Trump is turning out to be, exactly what his opponents claimed he was 4 years ago to the present, and for all of you to see. He has tried to show you, his entire for years in the white house, but alas, you refused to see or to believe what you were seeing.
I remember hearing obligatory Trump supporter interviews on NPR and a variety of cable networks and late-night TV. The best any of you could say for him and your support was that “He’s doing the things I like.” When pressed for an explanation of what that included, responses were rare and nearly incoherent or so vague “well, I don’t like people coming into my country illegally,” or “Things are out of control and Trump can fix it – he’s going to drain the swamp,” or some other similar comment.
There was no depth because you couldn’t speak aloud why you really support Trump. Unless you are speaking to someone on Fox News or one of the other right-wing networks, it doesn’t work well, you think, to tell the truth. Maybe some of the following are the real truth. I suspect each of you can say “aye” to at least one.
1. Trump surrounds himself with pretty women so I can tell he likes women, and they have important jobs.
2. Trump is a great businessman. Of course he avoids
paying taxes, but I do that too and I don’t want to have to pay taxes at all if
I can get away with it.
3. Trump likes playing golf and so do I. I am now rich
enough to play.
4. Trump loves Israel and wants to get rid of the
Palestinians who are just a headache for Israel anyway.
5. Those dirty people coming into this country from Mexico
and those sh**h*le countries should keep their people out of our country.
6. I like strong men and men who are loud prove their
strength the way they so easily put down their opponents.
7. Those Black Lives Matter people are asking too
much. We give them everything and they just keep taking, wanting more,
you know, welfare, food stamps, and all that. I work so hard I shouldn’t
have to pay for them.
8. They want to defund the police. I need my
police. They keep me safe from the bad guys. The only reason they
go after Blacks and Hispanics is because they are drug users and
9. He comes to rallies where we live and tells it like it
10. If Trump doesn’t want to wear a mask, I shouldn’t have
to no matter what my mayor, governor, or anyone else says. COVID is a
hoax anyway.
Are any of these resonating with you? If you say “no,” you are not being honest. I keep hearing that there were people who held their nose and voted for Trump this time. Now, why would that be? Which of the above caused you to press your fingers to your proboscis so you could vote for someone you knew full well is an appalling human being who should never be in charge of anyone or anything.
Let’s look at the items above to see how Donald Trump has actually done and is still doing.
1. Donald Trump was a womanizer who felt he had to pay off prostitutes he visited even while his wife was pregnant. The women he has around him may be attractive, but they do not have the interest of this nation in mind as they act on his behalf.
2. Trump avoids paying taxes and pushed for a huge tax break
for the rich while claiming the break was for everyone. For most people
it was so small they didn’t even notice. Everyone needs to pay taxes
because that money supports the many goods and services people need and want,
including you.
3. Yes, Trump plays golf, more days off than any other
4. Trump claims to love Israel, but could never find it on a
map unless it was pointed out to him. Israel was carved out of Palestine,
essentially taking their land, kind of like the way Europeans took US land from
the people who already lived here.
5. The people at our southern border are seeking asylum or
are refugees, legally seeking entry here. They are not animals as Trump
claims, but they are people he is allowing to be treated worse than animals.
6. A big mouth that spews insults and lies does not indicate
strength as anyone who studies human nature can tell you. Trump is a weak
person who has been allowed to have power solely because he claims to have a
lot of money. A man who has never sacrificed himself for anything calling
those who have, “suckers” and “losers” is not strong.
7. I know it is scary for white people who don’t think they
are racist that Black Lives Matter groups have a point and are in the
right. Their anger may cause some violence, but in this year’s actions,
white right-wingers caused a lot of the violence. Oh wait, they have been
doing that through the entire four years of Trump’s reign.
8. Yes, Donald Trump, the “law and order” president who
stands with the police no matter what they do to those they are sworn to
protect, is the man who is pardoning murderers, liars, and cheaters, those who
are related to him or who helped him in his illegal behavior while in
office. We are waiting for him to pardon himself from crimes he won’t
name. Uh-huh, the law and order president!
9. OMG, Trump tells it like it is? He has lied more than
22,000 times in public since the day he took office. Who can lie that
often and still be believed by 74 million Americans? And now, he screams
out every day that he really won the election, another lie every time he says
it. Then, those rallies of his that never stopped after he won in 2016,
this past year have been super-spreader events for COVID-19. Trump has
treated COVID-19 as an insignificant event that he had nothing to do
with. Yes, he tells it like it is!
10. I get it. Many of you 74 million don’t like masks,
as if anyone does, but of course, you mistake your rights as being the ability
to do whatever you want. Well, that’s not how rights work. Your
rights end where mine begin. You don’t have the right to spread to me a
deadly disease, just as I don’t have the right to pass it to you.
Therefore, I wear a mask when I am near other people, and I try to social
distance. Oh yes, I almost forgot, you don’t have the right to threaten
public officials who report the truth about COVID, order people to wear masks,
and stop large indoor activities.
Now, if you got this far, are you still glad or at least satisfied you voted for Donald Trump again or for the first time? I suspect you still are and that you are sad this racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, pseudo-Christian fool was not re-elected. Well, when your relief check does not come because your hero vetoed it or you get to breathe more polluted air, or your house burns down due to unaddressed global warming, or someone you love gets COVID, thank Donald Trump and continue to believe in Trump’s ridiculous conspiracies, his lies, his inaction, and the fact that he dragged you and the Republican Party down with him, and have a Merry Christmas.