By Ruth A. Sheets
As the year 2022 comes to an end, I, like many others, think back over the many events that have punctuated this crazy year. The thread that seems to tie those punctuating events together for me is the presence of the many toddlers who now hold positions of authority around the world.
Toddlers are supposed to be 1 to 4-year-olds who are learning to get around, to observe everything, and react to what others do. They are curious and want to learn, the wonderful part of toddlerhood.
However, toddlers can be willful, demanding they always get their way, moody, and trying to prove they are in charge. Some toddlers can be “mean” to other kids since they have not yet developed empathy. They throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want or if they think someone ELSE is getting something they want. They often refuse to follow their routine and in short, can make life very challenging for parents and everyone else.
Parents who understand kids at this stage can help them get through it with a personal emphasis on the positives, helping the child work through the hard stuff. Most toddlers do learn to share and take turns. They learn not to hurt others and to try all kinds of new things. Some parents are not able or willing to help their child to move past the negative toddlerisms.
What happens to those who do not come through the toddler stage well and grow properly into the next stages of life? They get stuck and retain the worst aspects of toddlerdom and just expand those bad behaviors as they grow physically, looking like kids and adults at the various stages, but unable to mature. These are often the schoolyard bullies, the ones who threaten and blackmail the other kids, the ones who are not caught because their observation abilities have shown them who to target and how to suck up to the adults in their world. Lying is not a problem for them, just as it isn’t for an uncorrected three-year-old.
By the time these folks are of an adult age, they are sure they are superior to everyone else and tell it to the world, doing whatever they can get away with to rise among their families, “friends,” college mates, and co-workers(often getting into the “top” schools). For many, their college and job victories are insufficient to feed the ego at the center of everything they do. They always need more!
These folks get positions of power because of how well they can “play” the people around them. If they want something, they may well take it. If someone does not go along with their schemes, they will work to physically harm or undermine them. These are mostly not courageous people. They secure some sycophants, desperate to be in the presence of ”greatness,” and are willing to do their dirty work.
Toddlers in power are a problem. I always wonder why people are drawn to these toddler-adults. I think it may be they put out some kind of vibe that turns on some people’s parental instinct, the way one responds to little kids exhibiting their natural childish behavior. These toddler-men and toddler-women often have no trouble getting followers who will vote them into just about anything. It truly is a puzzle we need to solve sooner than later.
Currently, we have a good number of these toddler-adults on stage. Donald Trump is one of the best-known, but there are plenty more in Congress and in state legislatures, primarily among Republicans. Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, Marjory Greene, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio are just a few that quickly come to mind. There are governors like DeSantis of Florida and Abbott of Texas who demonstrate their childish behaviors on a daily basis, while others, less often.
The toddler-conservatives on the Supreme Court have decided that women are second-class citizens and don’t even have the right to decide what happens to their own bodies. The 5 men and 1 woman who made that ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade after nearly 50 years had no real reason to make that decision so had to scrounge for Medieval and 17th century laws made up by witch-hunting white men to back them up. They knew before the hearing what they would decide and had to find some way to try to justify hurting a whole lot of women. What they wanted was more important than what the American people want, very childish, but toddlers in power generally get away with their childishness.
Around the world, we are having to deal with a whole group of mostly toddler-men who just can’t figure out how to grow up. Besides, why should they when their toddler antics get them so much attention and power. Russia’s Putin attacked Ukraine just because he could, believing he could walk in and take over no matter what anyone there wanted. He whines and lies that he has a right to do this and threatens his people who don’t go along with it. They have been well-trained to fear the child-man and do whatever he wants, just like the bad parents who let their toddlers rule their home.
The Taliban in Afghanistan have decreed that women can no longer attend colleges and universities, now only allowed to attend school until 6th grade. Why? They will come up with a reason they will state publicly, but the truth is they are scared of women and the fact that women will be far more effective at running a nation with their knowledge than the Taliban who know nothing but killing people will ever be. Child-men can’t have that! The Taliban want women at home serving the every desire of the man/men who like spoilt children, want to make their mommy do whatever they want.
Xi of China, too, wants his people to do whatever he says. He recently got a shock when the people decided they didn’t want to do his bidding when they had had enough. They are willing to acquiesce to the child-man sometimes but within limits. This toddler-man is now trying to teach his people a lesson that terrible things will happen to them if they don’t listen to him and go along with everything the toddler-ruler tells them to do, like endure appalling quarantines and no vaccines or boosters for most of the people, no matter how bad it is and that Xi can do and go wherever he wants. A whole lot of people will die because of their disobedience to the toddler-emperor.
All over the world, child-men are gaining power. However, some of the child-men are being challenged. It will be interesting to see how long people will continue to be pushed around by toddlers who are far more devoted to what they want than to what the people want or to what is best for their country.
Toddler-adults don’t just happen. They are the product of poor parenting. No manual comes with a child as it is born. Therefore, every parent needs help and support with the challenging task of raising children to be caring responsible adults. No child has the wherewithal to rule anything or anyone. They will be tyrants if permitted. No child is perfect or superior to any other at being human. Parents, your children are not here to fulfill your dreams. They should have their own and grow up to live them.
Then We the People need to stop coddling
toddler-adults. Because they do not have the maturity to govern well,
they are more likely to make a mess than do the right thing. We must stop
voting for them. How can we tell who they are? You ask.
You’ll know you are either under the control of a toddler-adult or about to be when:
- their
words speak in absolutes and threats – all women must, if anyone does,
those who don’t go along are enemies, etc.
- their
actions are designed to harm people who might object to being
ruled/controlled by a toddler-adult – instituting book bans of books that
talk about the world, history, sex, people who are not like the guy in
charge, etc.
- They
have people arrested for minor “offenses” the toddler finds threatening;
develop a special military group loyal only to the toddler – morality
police, election overseers, a private security force, etc.
- questions
are asked and the toddler avoids answering them, blames the person asking
those questions for something, the toddler outright lies, the toddler
pronounces some kind of conspiracy theory about people the toddler claims
must be stopped, etc. (distraction)
- the
toddler-leader lies as a matter of course – example, Donald Trump lied in
public while in office over 30,000 times and a whole lot since leaving
office. He and the other toddlers lie about anything and everything
and hate being called on the lies. They don’t like to be called on
their cheating either.
- The
toddler can’t actually state the why’s of what he/she believes but forces
people to comply with whatever those unstated beliefs are – the Supreme
Court conservatives made up reasons to declare abortion rights
unconstitutional and let mostly white male state legislatures decide
women’s reproductive rights; women are dragged off the streets and killed
in Iran because their hijab is not exactly what the toddler has decided it
should be (I guess the toddler doesn’t want mommy to show her hair, leave
the house without some male relative, or do anything the toddler doesn’t
want mommy doing).
- Money
comes in from questionable sources to keep the toddler in power (dark
money), and the toddler doesn’t want anyone investigating where it came
from or making laws that require all donations be disclosed.
Remember, a lot of donors like supporting toddler-adults because they can
be outrageous and cause havoc when encouraged
It is possible to notice the childish speech and actions if one is willing to pay attention. We the People need to ignore the “R” or “D” associated with a candidate and dig deeper to find out if the candidate being supported is a toddler-adult. If so, move on to someone who thinks and acts as adults do and can be counted on to make adult decisions, at least most of the time.
This is meant to be a note of hope that we all can start spotting the toddler-adults in power and work to keep them from and get them out of power, starting now! We all need to be in it for the long haul as they say.
Happy New Year! Make 2023 great and with fewer toddler-adults in charge.