By Ruth A. Sheets
Governor DeSantis of Florida and other “red” state governors are pushing their state legislatures into acts of deliberate cruelty, passing laws that are designed to cause harm to residents of their states, appalling legislation that should be unconstitutional, but probably will not be judged so. Why not? These new rights-restricting laws fit perfectly into the current ultra-right-wing Republican agenda.
That Republican agenda seems to be to hurt as many non-white, non-“Christian,” non-straight, non-male people as possible and keep those folks in their place, far below the exalted place of rich, straight, “Christian” white men. It is not enough to just work on removing constitutional rights, there must be pain to remind those folks they are pretty much worthless except for their votes, but only if those votes are for the “R” on the ballot, and, the “red” states’ voters are conditioned to vote for the “R” no matter who it is. (Mommy and Daddy were “r’s” and I must be too.”
The cruelty is present in much of what Republican leaders do, all of it intentional. Women’s bodily autonomy, for example, is challenged at every turn even to proposing the outlawing of birth control. That would put all women of reproductive age at the mercy of male sperm and cause them to produce children they are not ready for or can’t afford to raise and who could have severe disabilities due to the poor quality of health care those targeted poor mostly women of color are able to obtain.
There’s the “war” against trans children and youth. Ignorant Republicans claim to believe everyone’s gender at birth is the one they MUST live through their entire lives. They claim god told them so. Jesus never condemned people living and dressing as a different gender from that of their birth and he clearly would have known about it. (Oh wait, that’s the same with abortion, Jesus didn’t condemn that either. Hmmmm!)
Bills being shoved through now to become law are forbidding medical care for helping trans children and youth. One of the most common of the medical treatments involves use of puberty blockers to make the child’s transition a bit less traumatic. Counseling and other hormone treatments are part of the process too. Knowing that the suicide rate among trans youth is very high, the legislators commanded by the states’ governors pass the laws anyway. In South Dakota, the families get a year to stop the transition process. The ignorance of the Republican leadership is astounding! They pass laws that can only hurt those children and families. Some states want to stop treatment for adults in transition too. Why do that? Republicans these days need victims, suffering-human-meat for their warped base. Cruelty is the point!
Asylum-seekers and refugees are lied to and put on buses to cities that are not even informed they (including children) are coming, giving them little time to prepare. Why, to take a kind of revenge on those “woke” cities and to disorient the newcomers. CRUELTY IS THE POINT and those Republicans are reveling in it, gleefully reporting what they have done.
Republican leadership perpetrates cruelty on white Republicans too! They questioned the value of COVID vaccines and hundreds of thousands died who would not have had their lying not kept them from being vaccinated or wearing masks from a manufactured fear of vaccines and claim of freedom to wear whatever they want. Republicans also suffered when states refused Medicaid money to support struggling families. I suspect waging cruelty has become part of who Republicans are now.
Then, there’s the police! Administrations for decades have been militarizing police and that new weaponry and attitude of police invulnerability and insensitivity have led to many victims of police violence, a high percentage of whom are men of color. Rape and abuse of women by police is common in some communities too and nearly none of this bad behavior on the part of police has even been prosecuted, so few have been held accountable and whole communities are intimidated by police presence. Yep, more cruelty and it won’t stop without accountability. Often, the people of targeted communities are blamed for the police violence, mostly implied; can’t say that out loud!
Cruelty has been used for thousands of years to control people. Leaders have employed unspeakable tortures and executions to terrorize people into behaving just as the dictators, those in charge, want them to (or at least that is what they claimed). And, the more cruel, the better. In reality, those doing the torture et al were sick people who reveled in the suffering of others (sadists and psychopaths). Giving those people free rein kept them loyal and useful and terror alive and well among the people.
Here’s a little trip into history to visit a few popular cruelties:
- If
you don’t like a woman (or man on occasion) and the person is a little
odd, accuse them of witchcraft or heresy, torture them, and
watch them burn.
- If
you want to keep power over a diverse community as the rulers of Ancient
Rome did, publicly crucify “criminals” so others can watch them die and
gloat in their suffering.
- Get
“ordinary people” participating in the cruelty as Germans in the 1930s
did, letting them destroy Jewish property, beat Jews and other “enemies of
the state,” turn in Jewish neighbors, and so much more. They went
along with their leaders running unspeakable death and slave labor camps
all over occupied Europe. Those ordinary people claimed, “We didn’t
know what Hitler and his gang were doing. It wasn’t our
- Enslaved
persons in this country and throughout the Americas were beaten into
submission so they would function as machine-like beings doing the work
rich white people would benefit from, but couldn’t/wouldn’t' do.
And, the various governments heartily approved, and were active
participants. I guess they all thought Black people didn’t feel the
pain of the whips, chains, and general abuse, cruelty perpetrated by their
owners every day with death or escape the only way to stop the pain.
Cruelty was the point to keep the owned in line.
The thing is, we can’t change what happened in the
past. We can’t make the cruelties perpetrated back then any less cruel,
but we can learn from our past so we don’t permit the continuation of the cult
of cruelty. Republicans need to be stopped from working to maintain and
perfect their ability to cause suffering. We the People all need to stand
up and call it what it is, CRUELTY! Evil!
None of what these governors and legislators is doing is accidental, but a lot of it stems from deliberate ignorance. Fact-checkers can’t keep up with the number of lies and the media often dismisses the harm their words and actions are causing. That is just as these Republicans want it. While We the People try to chase and counter their lies, they work even harder to take away people’s rights and our appalling Supreme Court conservatives are on board. Cruelty is the point for them too.
So, Democrats and any Republicans who still believe in this nation and the value of diversity need to vote down any proposed laws at any governmental level designed to cause suffering or to make suffering more severe. Banning books and blaming teachers and librarians for wanting students to know our full history is cruel and should be seen as criminal. All, and I mean ALL educators and support staff in schools need to stand up against it. It is also cruel to deny financial support to struggling families; to charge rent too high for minimum-wage workers to afford; to deny asylum to people who have lost everything, even some family members’ lives to get here; to separate children from their parents for any but the most critical reasons as the Trump administration did at our southern border; to plot to cut or privatize Social Security and Medicare; to allow insurgents to hold important positions in our nation’s congress; and to allow people (white people) to carry concealed weapons without a permit. There is a lot of cruelty going on in our society right now and a whole lot of people in power are causing it or like the ordinary people of 1930s and 1940s Germany, lie and pretend they don’t know about it.
Some questions that should be asked of potential candidates for office at every level should include “Where to you stand on the issue of banning books?” A follow-up should be “In your way of thinking, what should be included in American History classes?” In short, candidates should be expected to outline their positions on the cruelties being perpetrated by a lot of white and white wannabee officials. Cruelty is unacceptable done by anyone. It is time We the People make that clear and start voting for candidates who agree and will note reports of instances of cruelty and act to stop it.
Remember, power can corrupt but so can cruelty. Cruelty begets even more cruelty and with increasing levels of severity. We the People can curb it and those who perpetrate it if we have the will.