Wednesday, April 26, 2023


By Ruth A. Sheets

In recent years, when I have been in a group of colleagues and one or more is a Black man, the topic of The Police inevitably comes up; something always seems to slide us into that discussion.  They almost casually mention that they actually feel fear when they see flashing blue lights behind them.  My former boss told me that even though he was not a very regular churchgoer, he would pray first, that they were not planning to stop him and second that if they did stop him, he would come out of the encounter alive.  I think my first thought would be, “what did we do? Or What do they think we did, not, will I come out alive.  I have read police officer comments as to why they shot a Black person at a traffic stop and the defense I have noted most often, “he was reaching for his gun” or “I was afraid for my life.    

It seems many White men, and some white women in America are scared, scared all the time and in some way perhaps, are angry that Black people have caused their fear.  Those particular white folks may just be afraid that if more people of color and women enter their space, they might not have the privilege they won't even admit they have.  They are afraid everyone will know what everyone already knows, they are no smarter, wiser, more worthy than people of other "racial" groups.  That is a hard pill to swallow.  For some, such “equality” might seem inferiority. 

Throughout history, at least since the 15th century, we have as a society let white men believe in their own supremacy and have reinforced their beliefs.  We women have been right there supporting them, sometimes to get along, sometimes to survive, sometimes to get a taste of the power the men have by virtue of their being white men.  

During the “Age of Discovery,” white men went to places they had never been and encountered people who looked different from themselves, not as civilized, you know.  To many of those white “explorers,” the people they met were ripe for exploitation in their quest for “god, gold, and glory.”  They hardly hesitated at all to enslave as many of the people as they could.  When those they found first didn’t function well in slavery, they looked elsewhere for people they could make do the heavy lifting while the white guys got rich and so did their kings.  Slavery was not new to landed white men.  It was practiced all over Europe.  The enslaved persons were called serfs, peasants, and other terms, and those rich landed white men knew just how to work them.   

When money is pouring in, few in authority will question the practices that bring in the bucks.  Sound familiar?  All sorts of cruelties were perpetrated on the enslaved persons who could do little if anything to stop it because they were enslaved for life unless freed or escaped.  The law sustained the enslavers, not the enslaved.  That continued long after the end of slavery in this country. 

When Black persons were declared full citizens through our Constitution, by 1870, white men continued their cruelties and were rarely, OK, almost never held accountable. Our troops didn't intervene when the government of Wilmington, NC was forced out by white men because it was mixed racially. No one was held accountable for the thousands of lynchings "at the hands of persons unknown," even when the persons were known, often the legal authorities themselves.  The massacres in Tulsa, East St. Louis, Rosewood, and other communities were dismissed as “there was violence on both sides.”  Sound familiar?  

No one at this late date is going to prosecute the white descendants of the murderers of Black Americans from the past, so how is it the white fear is still so intense, even greater than decades ago?  Many have speculated that electing a Black President, Barack Obama, could have launched us into a post-racial America, but in fact, reignited the fear and a bunch of white supremacists stoked the flames.  One of the most prominent “stokers” was Donald Trump.  Trump portrayed himself as a super-rich white guy, man of the people, neither of which was true.  His public persona attracted a lot of interest from other rich scared white  men who knew just how to use him to get power, ultimately they got the White House, Supreme Court, and Congress, and a whole lot of money changed hands, and a whole lot of damage was done to our rights.  Those rich white mostly men knew Black people and other people of color really scared conservative, evangelical “Christians” and used their fear to build a movement with a crude, ignorant, lying, cheating old man at the center. 

A lot of the Trump supporters grew up during the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s and witnessed daily, the myriad of incivilities perpetrated against Black Americans and actively participated.  Their families made it clear they didn’t want to live near Black people, worship with them, work beside them, swim in the same pools, go to the same schools, and the rest.  The relatives of the current white supremacists carefully nurtured their fear and hatred as their parents before them had done far into the past, blaming Black Americans, Jews, and other people of color for any obstacles they faced in procuring “the American Dream.”  The fear and hatred of the others became habit and it will require serious thought and positive action to change such habits, if white men even want to change.   

Today, people of color including Black men are finding positions of significance in our society, and that terrifies some white men, making them angry and scared, resentful that someone they don't like and feel is inferior to them has something they don't have.  Those scared white men and a few women attacked our Capitol on January 6, 2021 and have participated in mass shootings as the gun wielders.  Some have been held accountable, but for far shorter sentences than what I suspect men of color would have been given.

The rogue Supreme Court has even further weaponized white folks by gutting the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and overturning Roe v. Wade so those white men in red state legislatures could wreak havoc on the Black community, particularly women.  The Court also told states they can't control gun possession and whether a man can carry a gun in public (only white men, of course).  Police all over the country have been given free rein to do harm to Black people through qualified immunity.   

Every night on the local news, the first 10 minutes or so is about the latest shootings in the city and surrounding area.  It seems to be set up to look like what Republicans are claiming, that Black crime is up in cities, implying that white fear is reasonable.  Alas, scared white people, crime rates in red states and communities are higher in general than in blue areas.  I suspect they have an explanation for that too.  There has to be an explanation because the truth does not fit with the scared white male world view.  And, that warped world view is carefully shaped by the Republican lying machine which is pumped up to keep white people on edge and to influence the Trump-hypnotized to talk, plan, and do violence to others, especially if they can do it with no accountability or can just blame Democrats. 

One of the figures who has been an important source of the generated white fear, Tucker Carlson, was fired from Fox (Not Nearly News) on April 24th.  It was not because he regularly lied to his viewers, spewed racism and misogyny,  or because he spread conspiracy theories, rumors, and “encouraged” violence, not on your life!  It was because he had become a liability.  It came out that he didn’t believe most of what he was saying on air and people found out.  Then, there were the sexual harassment reports which could lead to more suits.  Yep, it was the threat of losing money that Rupert Murdoch, Carlson’s boss couldn’t stomach.  I am sure someone else will be coming to replace Tucker who will be just as disgusting and fearmongering, maybe he’ll believe the lies he is telling.  The viewers certainly will.

It is time We the People start to ween white men off the milk of superiority.  They need to stand on their own two feet without people they see as inferior constantly being forced to tell them how wonderful they are when all they are is white.  Those scared white men can learn from the many many secure white men who don’t get their value from keeping others down.   They don’t need others’ suffering to ease the fear that has been manufactured for them by other white men who only want to use the energy fear, hatred, and anger produce.  We the People need to begin this process because the scared white men are even more dangerous now as they try to turn our country into a dictatorship run by rich scared white men with everyone else as inferiors to be used and abused at their whim.  We had better immediately be about the work of curbing the tendencies of scared white men if we would save our society and our planet in time.

Saturday, April 15, 2023


by Ruth Sheets

Here we go again!  Trump announced a couple of months ago he is running for president in 2024.  to tens of millions of Americans, that sounds like a good idea and they can’t wait to vote for him, again.  

This is despite, even because of Trump’s being charged in a New York Court for financial crimes following a grand jury’s investigation.  Trump’s fan club, OK, cultlike collection of followers want to blame New York DA Alvin Bragg for charging their hero or, doing his job.  Bragg is Black (something I didn’t know until the day Trump was actually charged in New York City).  Trump supporters have sent DA Bragg death threats, maybe part of their 2024 intimidation strategy.  Racism, though, is definitely a major element of the cult’s anger with DA Bragg, though they can’t quite admit it, but seem to embrace it.  

Rep. Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio is trying to interfere with the legal process, wanting to challenge the state court’s work.  Jordan, you’ll remember was one of the guys who made questionable deals with Kevin McCarthy so Kevvy could be elected Speaker of the House back in January (15th vote).  Jordan gets to lead at least one major committee in the House, not because he is qualified or talented, or cares about the truth and finding it, but because it gives him power and was part of the “deal.”  He thinks he can use his position to undermine DA Bragg and get charges Trump has earned, dismissed.  

Jordan, like so many Republicans in Congress clings to Trump’s coat tails because he sees a path to his own higher ambitions.  Remember, part of that ambition involves holding our economy and that of the world hostage by not raising the debt ceiling.  Then, there’s destroying or seriously injuring Social Security, Medicare, and any programs that support those who are not wealthy in our society, who don’t have the wealth Jordan and his cronies have.  Those guys know ditching social programs is not popular, but they think that? Trump will help them do it.  They have come to believe that because while president, Trump did encourage and eventually sign a huge tax cut for the very wealthy which has raised the national debt and kept many of the most wealthy from paying their fair share of taxes.  As president, Trump could do that again and Jordan et al can help him. 

I can understand that rich white men want another Trump administration.  They benefited from the many large and small alterations in the regulations dropped and manipulated by the various governmental agencies under Trump.  The tax cuts added to their personal and corporate wealth too.  What I, and many others have not understood is the ordinary Trump cult members’ fascination for their guy.  Even when the cult members are asked about their support, they have trouble articulating their reasons.   To those of us outside the cult/Republican Party, Trump shows little to no concern for this nation, for our democracy, for the American people. He is totally wrapped up in himself and his fantasy world, where he can do whatever he wants without question and with impunity, a toddler's world where the parents are so fascinated with their child they can't bring themselves to discipline him, a dysfunctional family.  I would think that no person who cares about their quality of life wants to live in such a world.  I am clearly wrong about that.  I must be missing something. 

From the outside, it appears Republicans/Trump loyalists have sculpted their cult into a group of desperate whiners who can see no solution to their supposed trials and tribulations that does not involve bowing to a damaged toddler-man who promises to take away all their suffering and grievances.  He hints that he will do that by destroying those who supposedly caused their pain and lack of wealth. How is it the mainstream Trump faithful cannot see that if they keep worshipping this toddler-man and force him upon the rest of this nation, what they will get is far more suffering than they can ever imagine. The survivors of the Holocaust could explain it to them, but since they have been trained not to listen to anyone but Trump and his crew of right-wing media, some of whom believe the Holocaust either didn’t happen or was justified, they will neither hear the words of warning nor the words of truth.  

A main source of information for the Trump cult is Fox “News.”  It is clear from emails and memos that the on-air and management Fox crews do not like Trump, but lie regularly for him to viewers, with no qualms about doing it.  Fox advertisers are OK with the lying too and keep pushing their products to the Fox-enchanted viewers because it brings in the bucks.  When money is involved, truth can become irrelevant.  The cult will never believe the scope of the lying at Fox and the other ultra-right media outlets.  And, Trump will remain a hero for them, one who was wrongly charged by a “racist” DA who hates white people.  

Fox “News” continues to lie to viewers that the January 6th insurrection was just a peaceful tourist visit to the Capitol and emphasizes that Trump’s illegal activities never happened.  The Fox manipulators still tell folks that Trump won the 2020 election.  They neglect to report that the 2020 election was most likely the safest, best run election in history, at least in the swing and blue states where everyone was carefully watching, and Trump lost.  Fox “News” is being sued not only because of their incessant lying and gaslighting, but because that deception put a corporation and its products at risk, Dominion Voting Machines.  Why would so many Americans want to stand behind such a despicable media source and any candidate Fox “News” endorses?

I attended a webinar this week about the importance to humans of belonging.  It occurred to me that a major part of the Trump attraction may not be Trump per se, but the need of the cult members to belong to something that lets them feel important.  They have created a community in which they can comfortably air their grievances, be as anti-“liberal” ideas as they wish and find others who share their feelings, be as white-exclusive as they choose, knowing in their heart of hearts that people of color are just not nearly as worthy as white people are.  For them, standing with a loud-mouthed, rich white man who insults people, lies incessantly, cheats on his taxes, blames everyone for everything, etc. can feel exciting, and may let them feel special in ways the rest of their life doesn’t.  At least some of them truly believe Trump is telling the truth, when they think of truth at all.  They bask in Trump’s diatribes and are grateful Trump’s rants are not directed at themselves, but at people and institutions the cult would also like to malign.      

We the People have participated in what I consider, insanity because we never held Trump and his entourage accountable for anything they have done.  Some of Trump’s cronies were sentenced for their crimes, but Trump pardoned them.  Trump was impeached twice, but Republicans just couldn’t manage to acknowledge his guilt which was obvious, even to them.  So, our courts are the only path remaining for this nation to keep alive the idea that everyone is equal under the law, and many of our courts have been stacked with Trumpers and Trumpettes who regularly try to rewrite the Constitution in Trump’s favor.  

Trump cult members think they will again take charge in 2024 and will be able to do whatever they want to whomever they want, particularly those “woke” people who want some kind of equity in our society. They may be right, but We the People may decide we want something different and start acting that way.  

There are some things we can do starting right now to bring about a better outcome than we got after the 2016 election.  We must:

- - elect good people who actually care, regularly asking candidates at all levels questions about where they stand on important issues and how we can know they are being honest with their answers;

- - get off our butts and vote in every single election, researching candidates and their positions, making sure we are properly registered to vote, know our voting location, and are aware of any questions on the ballot; 

- call out liars and haters on a regular basis – through letters to the editor, signing petitions, , challenging media when reports are inaccurate, deceptive, or not fair or balanced;

- support media that will keep printing, posting, and broadcasting the truth; 

- - sue or otherwise challenge the defamers who are trying not only to destroy our democracy, but also the lives of their fellow citizens, something not permitted in our Constitution’s “free speech” provision;

- above all, don’t give up hope that we can make a positive difference for our nation – lately, it seems Republicans want to toss out so many attacks on our society that We the People will lose heart and give up, but we don’t have to.  

The upcoming local and national elections will let us see what We the People have decided to do or not do.  Will we give up and not vote because we don’t believe anything will get better or will we vote in huge numbers, defeating those who would work to end our democracy?  Will we give Trump another chance to bring down our nation in favor of the guys he feigns to love:  Kim of North Korea, Putin of Russia, and Orbán of Hungary (I think Trump is not quite so enamored of Xi of China these days, but who knows!);

I have faith that if we all decide we want better for everyone, even the Trump cult, we will vote in some amazing young as well as older people to office and reject Trump and the Trump wannabees.  Now we must figure out how to make more people know that belonging to the “woke” folk is more nourishing and positive than belonging to the Trump cult.   

Thursday, April 6, 2023


By Ruth A. Sheets

I am always fascinated at the kinds of things we can get used to.  And, it often does not take much time for it to happen. 

I thought about this as I was reading a book, Anger is a Gift by Mark Oshiro.  It is about a group of students in a high school in Oakland, California.  The students attend an old, poorly maintained school in a working-class neighborhood.  Students had only worn-out textbooks and other materials unless teachers purchased things for their classes with their own funds.  Random locker searches are introduced as well as dangerous metal-detectors.

Students and teachers in the school have gotten used to bad lighting, broken-down furniture, broken lockers (kids have to rent lockers that actually work), and stained and missing ceiling panels.  Students doubt there is much they can do because the administration is used to things just as they are, (the kids need to be controlled, you know).  The district cares only about test scores, giving money only to raising those scores (or at least that is what they claim).  The police show up in riot gear with weapons to terrorize students for planning a walk-out to protest what is going on at the school.  They kill a student and injure others.  A protest against the treatment of the students is met with violence and another murder of a student because that is what police are used to doing, and with impunity.

I am thinking about what our society has gotten used to over  time and how little we even notice, unless personally impacted, it’s pointed out to us, or as activists we’re trying to change it.  Consider these  things we have gotten used to, most of which media promote, but probably shouldn’t. 

  • - Helicopter parents today control nearly every activity of their children.  Even colleges and universities have become used to dealing with the constant parental interference.
  • - Hospitals move out of cities into suburbs where there aren’t so many poor people
  • - Guns are ubiquitous and “good” people have guns to take out the “bad” guys, right?  Tens of thousands of people die by guns every year.
  • - Warm, almost non-existent winters occur every couple of years, and once-in-a-century storms and wildfires every few years too.  
  • - Food from all over the world is available in stores all year round.  
  • - White men are in power nearly everywhere and the fact that few women or men of color head big corporations is confirmation of white male superiority.  White male is the default setting for most decisions related to technology, medicine, science in general, industry, personal rights.
  • - Oil is used for everything so will be around for a long time.
  • - What is good for drivers supersedes what pedestrians or cyclists need.
  • - Regulations are dismissed by Congress to soothe members’ donors.
  • - Our media cover an ignorant, insulting, racist, misogynistic, homo/transphobic, xenophobic former president more than they cover the current president.
  • - Gerrymandering in elections is just what happens and people in power won’t call it what it is, “cheating.”
  • - People of color are regularly insulted, dismissed, belittled, excluded, treated like they aren’t really Americans.
  • - Christian Evangelicals and Roman Catholics are a team that works to undermine the rights of women, people of color, and LGBTQ persons, claiming it’s god’s will.

- Rich mostly men are able to do whatever they want, with impunity because they have the sympathy and envy of the people they are hurting most.

- Unions are portrayed as irrelevant because businesses really have their workers at heart and unions spoil the relationship.

- Environmentalists are portrayed as ruining our economy because they are asking us to change too quickly, and just like destroying jobs and making trouble.

- Police act with little training, often letting their personal biases determine how they will respond to trouble, usually with few consequences if any.

- People won’t vote unless pushed into it because “it’s all crap anyway” or “nothing will ever change” or “they all do it.”

- Women will always have to fight for our rights:  bodily autonomy, equal pay, work accommodations, and just being included in our Constitution.

- Donald Trump will never be held accountable for anything he has done.  That goes for the rest of the Republicans who helped plan the January 6th insurrection, lie about nearly everything, and threaten other elected officials.

- Blue and red states are so different the people have nothing in common.  Hate is inevitable. 

Just the way it is, right?  The question for me is how we came to accept the above, even though we complain about it at times.  

Social media, Fox Not Nearly News, and other media have distorted accounts of events and people for decades. Many followers of these media don’t realize that so much of what they have come to accept, was engineered to distract them, keep them from thinking about or challenging what was happening.  

How do we break up this collection of things we have gotten used to as “the way it is” and lessen the power of those who are undermining our society?  How do we ignite a fire under folks to get us all to stand up and say, “unacceptable!  this is not fair or just!”  How do we challenge our media platforms to do better, report more honestly.  What about our nation’s purpose “to form a more perfect union?”

We the People are not helpless if we choose not to be.  However, we need to come together to determine how to address the problems of what we have gotten used to.  We can change the “just the way it is” attitude when individuals, groups, communities, religious organizations, elected officials, and the rest of us stand up and say “I/We was/were wrong to go along with this.  It needs to be fixed.”  Then we all have to take our citizenship in this country seriously and fulfill its most important requirements:  investigating what candidates for public office stand for, voting in every single election, holding our elected officials to account for what they do in our name, and securing the rights of all Americans, not just the rich, white, straight male ones.  That’s a lot, but certainly doable.  Some additional things we might try could include:

1. Question what we see anywhere in the media.  When something comes up that seems either too good to be true or just nonsensical, find sources to either confirm or reject it other than the place we found it first.  Be slow to believe what we hear and read.

2. Contact our representatives often to let them know what we think, and expect them to listen.  We need to demand they set aside their personal biases when pushed to limit people’s rights.  Citizens’ rights and needs should have priority over corporate, religious, political, or other factors.

3. Keep ourselves up on what is going on in our communities.  It is harder now that so many local newspapers have been closed or absorbed into corporations that care nothing for local news, but it can be done.  Attend town/city/borough council as well as school board meetings and listen to what the officials are saying and how the community is responding.  Speak our piece if we feel moved to do so. 

4. A few things we should keep in mind when communicating are

 a. Be well-informed about the topic before speaking at a gathering. 

  b. Don’t insult anyone or call names. 

  c. If challenging a person’s position, restate the position and then respond to it, point by point why there is disagreement, even problems with the person’s position.

  d. Don’t let lies just slip by.  A lot of lying is unchallenged and sometimes becomes what a whole lot of folks come to see as the truth.

  e. When responding to online comments, be informed, civil, and to the point, as much as possible.

  f. Just because we like a candidate or official, don’t assume he/she is always right, cares about our needs, or doesn’t need our interference.  We can reevaluate.

  g. When there is a conflict, go with science.  It usually is more accurate than our feelings.  Check out scientific reports too, find the information in more than 1 reputable place.

  h. Fox “News” has admitted its pundits and others regularly lie to viewers and do it knowingly, almost gleefully.  Don’t get important information from them.

  i. Some people believe poor people are poor because of their own actions and that rich people are just so great they did it by themselves.  Both views are wrong, so don’t bring it up. 

Well, that’s a start!  Just because we’ve become used to something does not mean it is right or just.  We can do better!  Every one of us has the power to improve life, not just to make ourselves more comfortable, but to increase the quality of life for our neighbors and beyond too.

Saturday, April 1, 2023


By Ruth Sheets

Lately, things in the good old US of A are getting a bit scary, and that is on purpose.  One of our political parties, Republicans, has decided that democracy might not be what they want for America.  The party and its corporate managers want something else.  It is not clear just what that would be, but they are throwing spaghetti ideas against the wall to see which stick. 

OK, calling what Republican leaders are throwing against the wall, “ideas,” is probably inaccurate, but the truth is, what they are tossing with the greatest arm strength are ways to ignore our Constitution, how to lie incessantly and break laws with impunity, models for cheating the American people of our rights, while gaslighting their supporters and the rest of us that they are doing no such thing.  You’ll probably remember that gaslighting comes from the movie “Gaslight” in which a husband tries to drive his wife mad by changing lighting levels and other things around the house and either pretending he doesn’t notice the changes, so they must be all in her head or that she must have made the changes herself and doesn’t remember. 

Republicans no longer hide their racism, misogyny, homo/transphobia, or xenophobia.  These have been integral to the party for decades but what used to be said behind closed doors is now spoken openly, while practitioners claim “I don’t have a racist/sexist bone in my body” or other inaccuracies.  Then, We the People are told we really didn’t hear what we heard, see what we saw, and aren’t being threatened the way we are being threatened.  The Republican in Chief brags of violence erupting if he is indicted on charges for crimes he actually committed.  He doesn’t admit the crimes or simply claims he had the right to do them by virtue of him being president or just being Trump).

We’ve seen some of the Republican-inspired violence at Charlottesville in 2017, the attack on the US Capitol in 2021, and smaller outbreaks all over the country.  Now, Democrats and anyone who does not go along with the Republican playbook of lies, hatred, targeting, and dehumanization of women and non-white people, often receive death threats and warnings. Trump himself warns that if he is elected president again, he will take revenge on all of those terrible people who crossed him.

To me, this is sounding an awful lot like Germany in the late 1920s and early 1930s.  The economy was bad after World War I and the people’s anger and frustration were carefully funneled into blaming and hatred of Jews, despite the fact that Jews had fought on Germany’s side during the war, were making significant scientific advancements for their country, and were integrated into nearly every part of German life. 

When the fires of hatred had been sufficiently stoked by Hitler and his band of thugs, they moved on to maligning political figures who opposed the newly powerful Nazi Party.  When Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, he had those political leaders rounded up and thrown into prison camps, those who were not killed.  Once Jews were safely on the nation’s hit list, the Nazis needed more groups to hate, so the net expanded to include:  Communists; the Roma people; Jehovah’s Witnesses; “homosexuals,” then, disabled persons as burdens on society.  The thought must have been that everyone in Germany would find at least one group among the many targets they could hate sufficiently to permit harm to be done to them.  

The horrors the Nazis and their allies perpetrated on the people named above did not begin all at once.  Those in power had to do it a bit at a time so the German public could get used to seeing Jews and others, men, women, and children, at first humiliated, then beaten, then murdered in the streets.  When the trains rattled toward the concentration camps filled with those Germany had decided had little or no right to live, neighbors might notice some folks missing, but they could lie to themselves they had just left the country for somewhere else.  And, the freight trains were carrying trash, right?  It seems we humans can convince ourselves of just about anything with the right motivation.  Hitler et al could not have done what they did without a whole lot of community participation.  Many Germans after the war said they didn’t know what was happening.  I suppose they thought it made their post-war suffering seem undeserved, even righteous.  They may not have known the details, but they knew enough. 

Our current position is at the top of the slippery slope toward some kind of autocracy or oligarchy (it is uncertain which Republicans and their rich puppeteers are hoping for).  Either type of government would be disastrous for this nation.  Loud-mouthed Trump painted a picture of revenge that soothes the hearts of people who believe they are entitled to something they don’t yet have.  Clearly if they don’t have everything they want like the rich men they admire, someone must have kept them from it, sounding similar to the propaganda that was ubiquitous in 1930s Germany.  In both cases, the leader claims to be the only one who can save them from this horror. 

 German media played classical music while regularly breaking in to spew lies, both the positives the leaders were supposedly doing and the negatives about the targeted groups.  All day into the late evening it played.  One could be fined for not having the radio on.  That’s kind of like Fox for many Republicans, twisted/alternate facts, all day, all the time, (no good music, though).

 Our media, owned by rich corporations rather than a corrupt government as in Germany, is failing our people as the media of Nazi Germany failed the German people.  Our media claims to be “fair and balanced” even when it gives as much coverage to an extremely minor, unsupported viewpoint as to a viewpoint that has a strong majority, even scientific support.  Whatever Donald Trump, an ex, twice-impeached president does or says is covered extensively by the media, often with no indication as to whether what he has said is the truth or what he has done is legal, a continuation of a practice for the past 8 years. 

By the mid-1930s, the German courts no longer even pretended to hand down justice, just the rulings Hitler and his crew wanted.  Our courts are acting in similar ways.  They care little to nothing for what the American people want or need, mostly what matches their personal beliefs and their corporate donors’ desires.  One might think the Supreme Court, having lifetime appointments and decent salaries wouldn’t get donations, but alas, there are plenty of corporations, in exchange for judgments on their behalf that will donate.  Who can call them out on it since there is no standard of ethics for the Supremes?

Last year, the media spent more time worrying over who leaked the Alito draft of the anti-woman, anti-Roe BS at the Supreme Court than what pain the decision would cause women in the poorest states with the least ability to withstand forced birth.  It was clearly Alito who leaked the anti-Roe draft to his family or friends.  He was just so proud of his poorly reasoned, ignorant draft he just couldn't stop himself.  His targets, women of reproductive age.  The Alitos in our society are still going after women and our right to bodily autonomy.  They hope this will all be taken care of soon and women will be properly cowed.  Like the Germans, once one group is dealt with, move on to the next target to keep the people off-balance fearful they might be next.  Scared people can be manipulated. 

Trump and Kump’s next target is the LGBTQ community, trans children and youth in particular, vulnerable young people who often require some medical intervention and counseling to manage their gender dysphoria.  Through laws passed by mostly ignorant, pseudo-Christian legislators, families and doctors are threatened with severe fines and imprisonment if they treat trans young people.  Women protested after Roe fell and are trying to find ways to get around the rabid red state white legislatures.  Some people are standing with trans youth, but who will help get those young people what they need when basic medically proven treatments become illegal and unavailable?  We have seen the “drag” community targeted in several states as though “drag” is a new thing.  The Germans didn’t like “drag” much either and stomped on that too.

We have seen the police brutalize communities, kill young Black men just because, break up peaceful protests, and other tactics used by the German police 90 years ago.  Back then, people who spoke up were often silenced while the police became more and more powerful and unethical.  Sound familiar?   

The really scary part for me is, what’s next?  Which states will begin the killing?  Imprisoning folks for almost nothing, including inability to come up with bail, is already going on.  White men (only) are encouraged to have guns and the laws in many places now let them open carry with no permit or background check.  All they have to do, just as the police have been doing, is say, "I feared for my life," when they shoot someone they don't like or approve of.  Children are murdered in schools, but somehow Republicans just can’t manage to outlaw military-type weapons in the civilian community. 

Some members of our congress are insurrectionists who claim the various elections have been stolen when they are clearly lying.  A representative, albeit from a backwater part of Georgia, says she wants a civil war and with others, is trying to get things going.  The House of Representatives has as Speaker, a fool, Kevin McCarthy who wanted the Speaker title more than he cared about our Constitution and our nation and proves it every day in office.  The media seemed mostly OK with this.  Congressional Republicans were OK with McCarthy’s handing over classified materials to an insurrectionist media madman.  How is this acceptable?  This too parallels the Nazi rule. 

German corporations weren't too concerned about what Hitler was doing as long as they were bringing in the bucks.  Heck, they even got the slave labor of Jews and the other hated groups to keep them going while "the boys were at war."  If fascism happens here as some Republicans would like, would our corporations be right there, thinking up ways to use their fellow American citizens for their corporate profit and other benefits?

We the People need to find ways to stop a repeat of the suffering of 1930s Germany here.  We can't wait and hope things will blow over.  There are already a bunch of scared white people who believe they deserve power over those they think of as “non-humans.”  Why, they should be able to make them servants (slaves maybe, or dead).  I am guessing many of the MAGAs would be happy to participate in harming, mass-imprisoning those people, a few at first, then more and more of them over time to get even, for something they wouldn't have to name. 

Many conservatives/Republicans don’t want students or really, anyone to study the holocaust.  Probably, it’s because if we study it, we will start to notice the scary similarities between what happened to get the horrors going in Germany and the taking away of citizen rights here and now, , the rights to:  vote, bodily autonomy, medical care, be LGBTQ or whatever we are meant to be, affordable housing, seek asylum, learn the full flow of American history, read books we choose, have dependable media, know the truth without the lies and gaslighting  by Republican politicians.  It's time for the downward slide into ignorance and cruelty to stop!  We can’t pretend we don’t know what’s going on!