By Ruth A. Sheets
November 24, 2024
Nearly 3 weeks ago, an election was held which will impact our lives for at least the next 4 years and if predictions are accurate, far longer than that. The American people had a choice that day of voting for Harris who wanted to see more joy in the world; more rights for people, particularly for women over their own bodies; more opportunities for working-class and financially disadvantaged Americans; more opportunities for people living in this country for many years, to become citizens, more work toward stopping global warming; more appreciation of the diversity of this nation in our attempts to make this a “more perfect union, and the other choice, less of all of the above. The American people, if voting counts are correct, chose the latter and here we are, anticipating what that is going to be like. I admit I feel betrayed.
So, for the past almost 3 weeks, I have been working to move past the intense grief that my fellow Americans chose hopelessness, pain, anger, fear, distrust, incompetence, and above all, hatred as leadership for our nation. I keep hearing people trying to understand or pontificate over the reasons, but I am not sure there is a reason beyond the often unexamined, unadmitted All-American racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homo/transphobia, classism, and more that stalk our nation. Evidence of this can be seen all over the country, particularly in the “red” states where governors and legislators are competing to see which state can do the most damage to its non-white, non-male, non-rich, non-christian, non-straight citizens. The strange thing to me is that somehow, the victims just keep re-electing those who do the most harm.
Knowing all this and also understanding that I will not give up despite the darkness ahead, I decided I must hold onto the hope, joy, love, and care that Mr. Trump and his gang are trying so hard to destroy as they undermine programs that actually help people who are not rich as they are, and perhaps, our democracy itself.
I have been considering what I am grateful for and I thought it might help me see the beauty in the upcoming holidays and change of season. So, here goes. I am grateful that . . .
- - I have an amazing family that is nearly as diverse as this nation and its members are talented in so many ways from my youngest grandnephew living just down the road to my older sisters, living too far away, alas;
- - I have music as a centerpiece in my life, a family that had us all singing before we could talk
- - I sing with a musical group that brings pleasure to audiences because the music of early America is fun, sometimes reverent, and helped shape our nation’s founding;
- - I received a guitar for Christmas when I was in high school and although I am not too good at playing it, I still can accompany people to sing a whole lot of really great songs;
- - I have the privilege of continuing to teach as a tutor for kids who have so much potential, but don’t yet believe it, with colleagues who are enormously skilled and caring;
- - I have a great place to live, nearly 29 years, when I never thought I would have something so nice;
- - I can cook and bake muffins my nephew Parker loves, and well, I do too;
- - I love reading and have access to recorded books of all kinds, at least one in 6 that are really good, so in addition, I am grateful for such outstanding writers and poets;
- - yesterday, my brother-in-law was able to fix my computer, phew!;
There is more I am grateful for, bit thinking about just those I have named here has brought me some peace, so I will leave it there for now. One thing I have learned, though, gratitude can’t be a competition to see whose slices of life gratitude are more valid or significant than someone else’s. This exercise is just a way of looking to the positive.
So, I hope you, too, will find an opportunity to run through the things that make you feel gratitude. I suspect we all will need those thoughts to help us through the next months and years among people who will come to realize that maybe their choice wasn’t a very good one, and others who are working hard to cause that realization.
Happy Thanksgiving!