Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What's In It For You?

I saw a Clay Bennett political cartoon yesterday (view it by clicking here).  It was a mouse in a Tea Party T-shirt, holding a sign that read "Support the Fat Cats."

If you get it, you don't have to read this blog.  Go have a nice day.  If you don't get it, let me explain that it's not in the mouse's personal interest to support cats at all, let alone ones who like to eat.  And yet, this mouse is.

I'm not picking on the Tea Party specifically.  I've been seeing this phenomenon elsewhere--people supporting groups and causes that are completely adverse to those people's self-interests.  If you're poor, it doesn't make sense to support the very policies making you poor.  If you're bullied, you don't help the bully. If someone's stepping on your foot, you don't put your head on the ground so they can tromp on that, too.  If you're being attacked, you either run away or fight.  You don't start beating yourself up.

From what I see, though, the Tea Party does seem to have a lion's share of those committing self-interest suicide right now.

I get the cartoon, but I don't get that.


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