Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hooverville, 2011

I've been following the Occupy movement from Week 1, long before the media even knew they were there and began actively ignoring them. We've now even got an Occupy group in my hometown, though there's no one to protest against here. Corporations pulled jobs out of our area long ago. Main Street never recovered. Our local industries right now seem to be food banks and homeless shelters.

I was struck by a question posed on PBS News Hour's Facebook page today, with a link to an article about Occupy Portland :

"In your opinion, should Occupy protesters be allowed to
stay camped out in public spaces?"
The photos with my blog today aren't protesters' tents. They're American tent cities filled with those who've lost their homes. Shanty towns like these are springing up all over the country.

Amazing that the tents of a few Occupy protesters should be so offensive, while the tents and living conditions of our poor are so easy to ignore.

Please consider letting PBS and your government representatives know that protesters camping out is far preferable to seeing our next generation raised in tent cities.


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