Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Negative Campaigning, Really?

by Ruth A. Sheets

This morning on the news, I heard someone lamenting that we are already experiencing negative campaigning on the presidential trail.  Mitt Romney is demanding that Barack Obama apologize for his comments about Romney’s  time at Bain Capital and Obama refuses.  President Obama is demanding that Romney release his tax returns and Romney refuses.  Is this really negative campaigning?

There are clearly some discrepencies in Mitt Romney’s story of when he was and was not at Bain Capital.  Is it negativity to want to know the truth?  Is it negativity to ask for tax return information from a candidate who has loudly demanded such information from his opponents?

Negativity is Thomas Jefferson’s party calling John Adams’ supporters “herds of harpies”  and calling Adams’ time in office a “reign of terror” in 1800.  Negativity is the atomic bomb ad against Barry Goldwater in 1964 and the Willie Horton ad by George H.W. Bush in 1988.   Negativity is what the Swift Boaters did to John Kerry in 2004.  There is nothing so far in this campaign that comes even close,. 

So, what is going on here?  It seems that when opponents of Republicans expect candidates to make public there credentials, describe their plans for the country in some detail, or explain their personal or business history, it is negative campaigning.  It seems that the smears are only to be used by Republicans and the superpacs who love them.  Democrats and others are just supposed to stand by and put up a feeble defense.  This defense makes them look guilty of whatever they have been accused of.  Defense is not as popular as offense in American society today.  The guy who delivers the first punch must have the story right or they wouldn’t say it.  Ha! 

I am not a fan of negative campaigning, but the one thing one can be sure of, it works and it is hard to stand against.  People scream that they don’t like it, but they vote for the guy who says the most negative things.  If you are not sure of this, look at the 2010 mid-term elections around the country. 

Democrats will pay for their unwillingness to initiate some honest negativity for years, maybe even decades, and so will the 99% in America.  The one percent is delighted and ready to strike again.  This time, President Obama struck first.  I hope he can keep the pressure on Mr. Romney and not compromise or feel remorse for demanding the disclosures Americans deserve. 

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