by Ruth
A. Sheets
blog entry will be a bit different. It contains real-time reflections on the
first night of the Republican Convention 2012. The following are some of my
There are a lot of women speakers. These women don’t have much to say about
Romney and why they support him in particular, but they are pretty strident and
very negative regarding President Obama, often repeating the lies that are going
2. The
people interviewed by NPR have very little original to add to the Republican
position. No one challenges anything they have to say and they do ramble
Nikki Haley of South Carolina bragged about having the most tires manufactured
in America, yet the Republicans were opposed to the assistance for the auto
industry. Who needs those tires?
There is a lot of God talk, more of a formulaic mention of God rather than any
meaningful inclusion of God in the proceedings.
Anne’s breathy emotionalism is a bit much, like a teenager who just has to over
emphasize everything. It is like a not-too-good actress in a not-too-good
play. Her talk about women is a bit disingenuous. Her little laugh
after her saying “I hear your voices.” is a bit much
6. Anne
Romney’s tribute to mothers is insulting. Save it for Mother’s
7. The
convention’s parade of children of immigrants was lovely to hear, well, not
really. The hypocrisy is overflowing. Somehow, these descendents of immigrants
are opposed to immigrants who come here “illegally.” None of the speakers
mention whether their families came here “legally.” I wonder . .
8. Anne
Romney’s description of her and Mitt’s first apartment, a basement apartment, was
pathetic. She lies easily, just like her husband. She claims she knew nothing
of his financial situation. Not possible! They grew up in the same town. Her
emotional claim that “No one will work harder or care more than Mitt Romney”
when he is president is ridiculous. She can’t possibly be shocked that Mitt
has been “attacked for his positions" (and the way they keep changing).
Unbelievable. In the next days, we will hear how wonderful her speech was and
what a lovely person she is. Her speech was typical Republican nonsense and she
may be a lovely person; it’s hard to tell when you are reading someone else’s
words. Again, the claim that he built what he had all by himself. Gag! Her
claim that he struggled so hard with his business, big deal! He certainly made
enough money at it.
Christie’s self-righteousness was a bit hard to take, but for some reason, a
little easier than Anne Romney’s simpering emotionalism. I am not sure
Christie talks about how he did so much for New Jersey, but doesn’t mention the
desertion of the parts of New Jersey that don’t back him or have economic power,
like Camden.
Then there’s the teacher union bashing. Union bashing was one of the themes of
the night, of course.
What a stupid line “Our ideas are right for America and their ideas have failed
America.” I guess that is about all they can say. It is so vague that it means
13. The
hypocrisy that Republicans claim to care about older Americans is reflected in
their Medicare plans. The party of fantasy is accusing the Democrats, the party
of some reality, of not being realistic. What a joke. I expected more from him,
but look at the company he keeps.
Again Mr. Christie is making teachers be the fall guys for things that fail.
“They believe in unions, we believe in teachers” What a batch of bull!
Unfortunately, a lot of the less-thinking among his followers will believe it.
Gag again!
Christie accuses the Democrats of wanting to divide, yet the Republicans have
done everything they could over the past 4 years to divide the country.
Christie claims that Mitt Romney will “tell the truth." That is another joke
since Romney has done a lot of lying so far. Christie says Romney will tell us
the hard truth. Maybe he will tell his truth, which of course, will be hard on
everyone except the wealthy and Republican powerful. Everyone else suffers. I
guess that is what makes it a “hard truth.”
17. Of
course, Christie must say “It’s now our time” (how soon they forget which party
got us into this mess and did everything they could to make sure we didn’t get
out of it during the past four years). He is counting on the short attention
spans of most Americans.
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