Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lying – Sin or Salvation

by Ruth A. Sheets

Lying used to be seen as the practice of the unholy.  Yet, these days, self-confirmed Christians lie with impunity.  In fact, many politicians now consider lying an effective victory strategy. 

In a culture where winning is everything, lying is certainly acceptable if it gets one to the desired end.  Why?  Why are we OK with lying and deceit, expecting it from our leaders.  Even though it isn’t true, we constantly hear “Well, everyone does it.”  Does that somehow make it right?

Mitt Romney has taken lying to a new height, at least in our lifetime.  He has said so many different lies that he can’t even keep track of them anymore.  And, the most disturbing thing, he seems sure of each statement’s truth as he says it.  He exudes a positive manner with each lie.  He is like the kid who truly believes he had nothing to do with the fight even though he is right in the middle of things with a bloody nose.  He can’t imagine how anyone could accuse him of lying or anything else .

Mr. Romney is so entitled and has been all of his life, believing that everything coming from his mouth must be true since he said it. A pronouncement from the lips of Mitt Romney should be taken as gospel no matter how often it contradicts what he said previously.  Expedience works really well for him.  Romney merely says what each audience wants to hear because that is what it takes to get elected in the warped America in which we live today.

A more interesting aspect of this issue for me is that when voters learn that Mr. Romney
has lied, and has done it over and over, they seem to like him even more.  The polls go up in his favor.  Do they really like liars?  

I am concerned that Mr. Romney can’t even tell the difference between when he is lying and telling the truth.  He does the lying with such ease and conviction that listeners who do not dig deeper can be convinced that he has always held this particular position and is being honest.  I have to admit that this to me, borders on mental illness.  I recognize the value of people who are living with mental illness, but do not want my president to be thus afflicted.

I keep hearing from Republicans that there is no racism on their part, yet, many Americans, professed Christians, religious people seem to want a serial liar over an African-American.  No racism?  Hmmm! 

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