Monday, March 12, 2018

Outrage Fatigue

by Ruth A. Sheets

The other day, in passing, I heard a term I instantly knew could be applied to me.  The term, Outrage Fatigue.  Wow, that's it!  That's what I have!  I have been hoping for a diagnosis, but nothing I could name fit better what I am experiencing.

It started almost 3 years ago when Donald Trump slid down an escalator into the 2016 presidential campaign.  He rose from reality TV star to media darling.  They covered every action, every word as though he were a major cult leader or movie star of the past.  He said and did things that by any standards should have been seen as appalling, unacceptable, but were applauded and shared. 

When Mr. Trump was challenged on any of his actions, he turned on and insulted those who called him out.  The media loved it all.  It was theatre and they gave enormous time and effort on Mr. Trump's behalf.  Many other candidates opposed Mr. Trump, but they were barely heard and seldom seen.  During debates, Mr. Trump was permitted to insult, step on other candidates' time, and not answer questions.  No brakes were placed on anything he said or did and the media claimed people loved it all.

When the election came down to just two candidates, Mr. Trump and Ms. Clinton, Mr. Trump's shenanigans were often the opening news story.  For the purposes of equal coverage (which of course, was never equal), listeners and viewers had to be reminded of either Ben Gazi or missing emails on the part of Ms. Clinton despite the fact that both had been investigated and set aside.
Since the election, Mr. Trump has appointed people to offices for which they are completely unqualified.  Many actively try to bring down the department they were approved of to serve.
Anything Mr. Obama got done during his 8 years in office must be overturned by Mr. Trump.  He put his racist self and team on the task and forced changes that did not need to be made.  The Senate rolled over and approved his appointees and stood up to none of the moves, even when they were designed to harm the people living in this country. 

Mr. Trump lies with impunity on a daily basis.  He insults anyone who opposes his actions.  He changes his mind depending on who he speaks with last.  He puts us on the brink of nuclear war and insults a military family, and the military unless he is getting them to plan a parade he can watch while orgasmicly smiling at missiles and tanks riding by. (what are we celebrating, Mr. Trump, of course)

Drilling in our coastal waters and National Parks, purging voter rolls to eliminate non-Republican supporters, imposing travel bans for people from mostly Muslim countries, attempting to end the DACA (Dreamers) program, ending net neutrality, increasing restrictions on abortion rights, eliminating clean air and water standards, suing states that don't want to abuse undocumented immigrants, Giving massive tax breaks to the wealthiest among us, levying tariffs on steel and aluminum, and on and on,.

The point is, there is little or no evidence that any of these moves make America safer or more prosperous.  But, alas, that does not matter.  It is about wielding power.  The Trump campaign helped Russia mess in our elections and yet, little has been done beyond appointing a Special Counsel who is always at risk of being fired if he gets too close to what really happened.  In any other time, this would have been treason, or at least a "high crime or misdemeanor."

The problem, this insanity never ends.  Every day, with every news broadcast the media opens with a Trump story, isn't he the only story?  He isn't and we need to stop acting as though he is.  Each time he is at the center, Mr. Trump gets a hit of ego boosting hormones.  He is clearly addicted and the media and Mr. Trump's followers keep supplying the drug, their adulation. 

And so, I have outrage fatigue.  I am outraged at the ways my country is being undermined by the current president with the support of Republicans in Congress.  I sign petitions, have made phone calls, attended marches, and watch the comedy that lampoons this insanity.  These used to help, but lately, not so much. 

Mr. Trump has surrounded himself with too many bad actors.  Nearly everyone in the highest positions in our government has chosen not to act on behalf of the American people, but for the benefit of large corporations, sources of big money for Mr. Trump, his businesses and his wealthy supporters.  This gang is making destructive pronouncements on a daily basis.  It is impossible to keep track of all of them.  The Congress passes midnight laws with only Republican votes, no hearings, few if any Democratic contributions.  These laws have profound, potentially disastrous impacts, but They are, nonetheless, victories for Mr. Trump and that's what counts. 

How can one feel anything but outrage?  I am trying to figure out how to keep my head on straight through this dark time.  I am looking for the energy to keep up with it all, and  to continue my protests.  Ah, isn't outrage fatigue on the part of opponents what Mr. Trump wants (that is if he  had any idea of what he really wanted) outside of getting his ego massaged. 

Yes, I will commit to keep fighting because that's what I must do, but it won't be easy.  Instead of fund-begging candidates and petitions that go nowhere, I need direction, support, and a coherent message from candidates toward a just and peaceful future. 

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