Monday, May 6, 2019


Dear Republicans & Conservatives in Congress,

Where do you stand on global warming?  Yes, I call it global warming because that is what is happening.  Climate change sounds so innocent and natural even though what our planet is now experiencing is neither.  We, human beings are doing it.

Barack Obama (Oh God, I just wrote that name you are trying so hard to obliterate) helped to negotiate the Paris Climate Treaty which nearly every country in the world signed in good faith.  That is shocking because nearly every country just doesn’t agree on anything, yet they did on this one.  Mr. Trump can’t stand that a Black man could do anything for this country, so is working to nullify anything that was passed by Congress or set up by executive order during the 8 years he was in office.  Mr. Trump still feels the sting of not actually having won the popular vote, so is doubling down with his “base” to try to go back to some past time when America was great and white men ruled with impunity.  He should be ashamed.

I get it, though, that Mr. Trump has no shame.  He cares nothing for this country as long as he keeps whatever wealth he has and is allowed to get as much more as he possibly can.  Just because this appalling human being got into the White House must not mean that you Republicans should fall before him like bowling pins or nobodies, kowtowing to an emperor.  Where is your pride?  You Republicans as well as Democrats should be standing behind and totally supporting the Paris Climate Agreement, no matter who in this country helped negotiate it.  Shame on you if you betray your constituents because you are scared and must bow to an incompetent fool who has no regard for you or anyone else. 

When your constituents are losing their homes, businesses, and communities, you will probably be dead, but your children and grandchildren will have to answer for what you have not done, that is, if they survive the floods, fires, and lack of food that you  could have helped stop. 

Take a deep breath, face Mr. Trump and Mr. McConnell and tell them that you fully support the Paris Climate Agreement and that you demand a vote to support it.  If Mr. McConnell will not bring the bill of support to the floor, threaten to remove Mr. McConnell from his post.  You should have done that a long time ago in the service of the Constitution, but alas, that is for a different letter.

Mr. Trump talks a lot about loyalty, but he only really cares about loyalty of others to himself.  You swore an oath of loyalty to the United States of America and our Constitution.  It is time you start acting like that oath means something to you.


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