Wednesday, July 22, 2020


by Ruth A. Sheets

Every single day, the Republican Party jumps in with either a proposal that attempts to restrict people’s rights or presents plans to cut an essential  program or service that sustains a lot of Americans, even during a pandemic.  At the same time they are refusing funding for the immediate needs of all who are not rich, white, mostly male individuals and corporations.  Why would these destructive actions be their focus?

The Republicans are the "only I matter" Party (OIMP).  They are and have been working to undermine or actually destroy every government program that is working for the American people.  It is unclear to me what their ultimate goal is.  I keep wondering if they could possibly like the world they are trying to create.  The OIMP probably doesn’t even know.  It has been working overtime during COVID19, but has been sowing the seeds for a long time.

- Social Security has been a target since its inception 85 years ago and Medicare/Medicaid since the 1960s.  Currently, the move is to cut the payroll tax which is the funding for these programs.  Senate leader McConnell wants to hold “The Heroes Act” or other legislation hostage to Democratic capitulation to this one.  They may succeed because Democrats actually care what happens to the people of this country and that may be the only way to get the funding.  They’ll hope they can make it up later, but somehow that won’t happen and our seniors, disabled persons, and impoverished people will suffer and the OIMP will rejoice and be glad in it.  They’ll never be held accountable either.

- The State Department which was a critical link between us and the rest of the world is being gutted day by day as is our overseas media, like Voice of America,  which share the American dream of freedom for all with the world.  What message that matters could the OIMP possibly put out there, don’t even try to come to America? 

- The Justice Department has been absorbed by Donald Trump, an ignorant fool whose only claim to fame is that he is a rich white supremacist.  The white supremacist community mounted huge “get out the vote” and smear Crooked Hillary campaigns in 2016.  That, along with Russia and the FBI, combined to make Donald Trump president.  OK, massive misogyny helped too.  In any case, the Justice Department is having a hard time with justice for anyone but the rich, white, male friends of Donald Trump.  AG Barr is seeing to that.  The “Only I Matter” Party has been busy.

- Voting, a basic right, one would have thought, has been in OIMP sights for generations.  Republicans want only folks like themselves to hold office and they wish to pass legislation at the state level that suppresses the votes that aren’t for them, and gerrymanders for even more. 

- Despite evidence of consistent police brutality, the OIMP has given the green light to the various police entities to stomp any protests into the ground or into the jails.  Trump and the OIMP are now sending up their test balloons in Portland, Oregon to see how this will work to benefit the OIMP and Trump, the “law and order president.”  Stop laughing!  He doesn’t really mean it!  Trump means “law and order” to keep people of color in their place.  Using unmarked vehicles and unidentified “officers,” peaceful, legal protesters are being tear gassed, injured with rubber bullets, and dragged off to the federal building in unmarked vans.  My guess is that if the OIMP can get away with this and our pathetic Supreme Court goes along with it, which they probably will,  the OIMP will send their troops all over the country to silence protesters because they’re the “Only I Matter” Party and protesters make them uncomfortable.

- The Senate continues to refuse to provide funding to help states make elections safe for voting in November.  Doing nothing works well for the OIMP.  They are especially pleased with the hours-long lines that Black voters and other people of color will have to experience, hoping those voters will have to get to work or be fired, so can’t wait to vote.  Then, there’s COVID19.    Since none of this will impact the Republicans in power, they don’t care.  It’s the “Only I Matter” Party, remember?

- The Senate has been off far more than it has been on duty due to Mitch McConnell’s complete control of every Republican in that body.  He allowed them to pass a few bills to help the people, but only because their rich white friends and corporate donors got a large slice too, courtesy of the OIMP, and they won’t forget.  Corporate hands are already stretched out for more. 

- The Post Office has also been a major target of the OIMP.  The US Post Office was one of the first  departments to integrate and I think Republicans have resented it.  They have been working to wreck the USPS at least since the middle of the 20th century.  A bonus for them is that vote-by-mail will be at risk if the post office is compromised.  Hmmm, Just what the “Only I matter” Party ordered.

- The Donald cannot deal with the science of COVID19.  He doesn’t like how he looks in a mask, so can’t/won’t demand that people wear masks to save lives.  His self-centered, misplaced idea of freedom has kept many people from wearing masks in public situations.  Most of those followers are white, generally well-fed and resourced, so at less risk for the virus.  It doesn’t matter that these “freedom-loving” white folks pass the virus to the people who were forced to live and work in environments that make them more susceptible.  Why should they care, they are the “Only I Matter” Party?  

- Republicans are anti-science unless they think it directly impacts them.  Cancer research, OK because I might have cancer someday.  If Science recommends hand-washing, 6-ft. distancing, and wearing masks to protect one another from COVID19, Trump’s response,  I’m not doing that.  There’s no proof.  Science doesn’t know.  5 months ago some health care gurus said we should not wear masks (actually, because there were not enough for front-line workers).  Trump implies “I am not going to because “only I matter” and what works for me right now is what counts.  Although, if I should get COVID19, I expect you to give me the most amazing care, attending me every minute.  Only I matter, you see.”     

Alas, I could carry on with this for additional paragraphs, but I think the idea is clear.  One party, the Republicans are only for themselves and what feels good for them “Only I Matter.”  The other party, the Democrats are critical of the most minute infractions by their members regarding ethics, harassment, racism, and other stated standards, using “we” more than “I,” it should be clear which party will stand by the American people, all the people.  The “only I matter” party has the money, the media, the tricksters, and a lot of the power right now, so their anti-Democrat messages get out.  They have no actual platform beyond anti-abortion and sneaking in more unqualified judges.

A minimal platform is no problem for   Mr. Trump, though.  He and his enablers literally make it up as they go along, lying around 20 times a day in public and on Twitter, more than 20,000 times since his inauguration.  Donald is the cult leader of their party and they will never force him to change.  They love him just the way he is.  I suspect they don’t realize in the “Only I matter” Party, as much as they love The Donald, they don’t matter to him at all.

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