by Ruth A. Sheets
I recently read an article in “The New York Times” ( “New Racism Won’t Solve the Old Racism” by Bret Stephens that stopped me cold. It was an argument I don’t remember hearing before, but probably should have expected it.
Mr. Stephens claims that if our government or anyone else works to mitigate racism by targeting FOR ASSISTANCE the people who have been consistently discriminated against for hundreds of years, it is a new form of racism because race is the criterion used. He claims that if there is a bill to help Black farmers specifically (You know, the farmers who had their land, what little there was allowed to be theirs, taken from them in a variety of violent “legal” and extra-legal ways, it would be discriminating against white farmers. Also, if Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago proposed programs to specifically address the systemic problems of the Black community in Chicago, white Chicagoans would feel the sting of discrimination (racism, you know).
Wow! The sheer ignorance of what racism is boggles the mind, or at least my mind. Racism is the systematic discrimination through means such as segregation, inequality, abuse, etc., on the part of the race in power toward those of races not in power. With that definition in mind, how is attempting to make up for past discrimination racist? In a word or two, it’s not. Mr. Stephens paraphrased Chief Justice John Roberts, not exactly a reliable source for knowledge and understanding of racism, “Thinking we can stop discrimination on the basis of race without discriminating on the basis of race” He doesn’t actually finish the thought because what Roberts and Stephens are trying to say or imply makes no sense. Their “ignorance” of racism is what one might expect of people who know nothing of the law, BUT Roberts is supposed to be a legal expert.
Such warped thinking generally accompanies those who see white as the superior race and maintaining that superiority as the most important thing. They claim there might be a way to build up Black people at the same time they help white people, and that this is the only way to proceed. Theoretically, it could happen, after all, Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid improved conditions for Black and white citizens, but due to job discrimination and other factors, the federal programs have never served all races equally. That’s racism even if that was not the intent. Also, tax breaks for the rich, mostly white folks rarely trickle down to anyone, particularly not to Black people, ever.
Whenever food stamps or other aid programs are expanded, the white base is carefully reminded that it is mostly going to Black people (which it isn’t) activating a racist response from white people who can’t imagine why funds are given to Black people who unlike them, are lazy, wasteful . . . Again, white people are kept ignorant of the truth.
Ignorance reigns as a kind of tyrant in our society. It probably always has, but lately, it seems to be deeply enshrined and gaining strength in the Republican party. Members are quite proud of their ignorance, or at least the ignorance of their base which they have carefully cultivated with the tacit permission of that base. All kinds of lies and conspiracy theories keep the ignorance alive and well and fully functioning.
Are Republicans really ignorant of what racism is and the levels of discrimination perpetrated upon people of color in this country? Perhaps, but it is doubtful. I believe They know perfectly well what racism is and know that what they are doing to their base is racist, telling vulnerable white people that they are the ones being discriminated against. Their goal, make their base resentful enough to act as the leaders direct, too ignorant to even question.
Were Republican leaders ignorant of the probable impact of their anti-COVID vaccine stance or did they know exactly what they were doing? If they knew, why did they encourage a whole lot of people to die of a disease we actually have a vaccine for, then vilify Anthony Fauci and others for telling the truth?
Were Republicans ignorant of the lack of voter fraud in the 2020 election or did they use the Big Lie to manipulate the emotions of their base, speaking in hyperbole that incorrectly told them of a situation that didn’t actually exist? Why did they need to produce (or share) over 400 bills in nearly every state to suppress the votes of vulnerable populations? It is a plot to make sure the ongoing discrimination against people of color and the ignorance of the white base can continue unabated. Republican leaders and their allies should have to prove without doubt voter fraud is occurring and that their proposals will definitely improve people’s ability to vote in order to pass such laws , but they never seem to be held accountable for anything, and the conservative Supreme Court is right there with them.
Were Republicans ignorant of Russian interference in our elections of 2016 and 2020 or did they feel such a need to protect Donald Trump, they lied to promote the ignorance of a whole lot of people, while pretending their own ignorance of foreign interference?
Are Democrats, including President Biden ignorant of Republican inability to work in a bipartisan way to help the American people or are they just willing to allow themselves to be manipulated to prove a point that anyone paying attention already knows, that Republicans can’t govern? if so, why? President Biden says that if the filibuster were gone, Congress would “be thrown into chaos and nothing would get done.” OMG, nothing is getting done now because Republicans don’t know how to govern responsibly. What is the difference? And, without the filibuster, things would get done. Mr. Biden should know better.
As a teacher, it disturbs me that so many in our nation are standing for ignorance, even in our public schools, although in some disadvantaged communities, that has been a problem for a long time. In 1925, a teacher, John Scopes was on trial in Tennessee for teaching evolution, an established scientific theory even at that time. He lost in a crazy show trial where the ignorance on the winning side was fully evident. Many supporters of state-approved ignorance are still trying to get some form of anti-evolution taught in our schools though our kids will be the losers. Are those pushing for the anti-evolution programs ignorant of how evolution impacts our lives every day or are they employing their power to promote a set of thinking that they can weaponize, no matter how completely inaccurate and a crossing of the line between religion and state?
Ignorance has led states to make laws that “critical race theory” (CRT) can’t be taught in schools. Do legislators even know what that is when they vote for the legislation? I think not! It has become a quick abbreviation (CRT) that communicates to their base that there must be some kind of devious plot by people of color against white folks. Again the base’s ignorance serves the Republican leadership well. In reality, Critical Race Theory has until now mostly been a scholarly enterprise. It attempts to look at the ways race has become and continues to be embedded in all aspects of our society and some ways to look at the challenges that presents to us today. Some parts of that learning could be included in high school curricula, possibly government classes or sociology, not a kindergarten subject. Children should learn our history in all its glory and tragedy as they are able to understand it, which is not critical race theory, just history. Politicizing something one is completely ignorant about is disturbing and an ongoing challenge. And, by the way, it’s also racist.
Trying to keep people ignorant through misinformation has been done before and continues to be part of life in many parts of the world. It works because it stokes fear, anger and resentment that can be easily manipulated toward actions the manipulators choose. January 6th is an example of this. We will be watching the trials of those who participated and their arguments, “Trump told us the election was stolen and we had to ‘stop the steal.’” I always heard that “ignorance is no excuse in the law.” I suspect despite their actions, most of the insurgents will be let off with a slap on the wrist because the powers that be are OK with ignorance, especially if it is white.
People have access to information if they know how to or choose to pursue it, even in many countries that promote ignorance. That, of course, is what scares men in power. The people may no longer want to wallow in ignorance. It is human nature to want to discover things and learn what is real, what is true. In response, the ignorance purveyors will employ even more sophisticated techniques and their judicial supporters will permit it because that is why they are in the positions they hold.
We are an open society. Therefore, each of us has the responsibility to educate ourselves about what is going on, to acknowledge our ignorance, and to figure out how to acquire the knowledge to dispel that ignorance. Our task is to help to lessen the ignorance of our children into the future. Lying to them or allowing others to lie to them fearing they might feel some guilt and coddling them with comforting misinformation are a betrayal of our commitment to them.
We need to remove ignorance from its current throne and replace it with truth, knowledge, and understanding. remember, ignorance is only bliss for the ones using it and benefiting from it.
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