by Ruth
A. Sheets
the past week, I have heard snippets of Republican Congressmen and Senators
smugly claiming that the government shutdown is not a game. But, of course it’s
a game, or rather, it’s several games being played
One of
the games is “Chicken.” Who will back down first? The Republicans/Hypocricans
know that in the past, President Obama has blinked first. He thought he was
negotiating with reasonable people who had the good of America at heart. He was
wrong! He was in a game with children who want their own way. Mr. Obama
responded to their tantrums as parents and other adults are warned not to. And,
just as young children often do after they have gotten their way through their
tantrums, Hypocricans believe it will work every time.
of the games is language. Hypocricans are excellent at manipulating words.
They know that the chronically uninformed in America are easily swayed by
simplistic phrases relating to complex issues, e.g., “death panels” and
ObamaCare will destroy America and so on. The more lies the better since
Hypocricans know their people won’t fact check. Why? That might challenge
some cherished biases.
A third
game I had not recognized until my brother-in-law pointed it out to me involves
the money folks like the Koch brothers, who have more money than any human being
ought to have. They are thrilled with what their money has done so far. They
have become addicted to the power it has brought. This makes them very useful
to the Hypocricans.
Koch’s have bought candidates at State and Federal levels. They have even
influenced the Supreme Court to rule in their favor. The next move, defeat the
American people, the 99% at all levels. They did not win the presidential
elections of 2008 and 2012. Their money was not quite enough to overwhelm the
donations and enthusiasm of the “little people.” It is clear taking over
Congress and the Presidency is in their game plan. Next time, they are
determined to win.
four is redirection. Hypocricans have shut the government down deliberately and
are elated. Some of the Hypocricans in the Tea Party know they are not looking
good to the public right now, so they have distributed the game rules to their
clan along with the talking points. They all say the same things and with a
straight face. “The Liberal shut down” or “The Democratic shut down.” or
“Obama’s Government shut down, or all three at once.” Don’t take responsibility
for your own stupidity and stubbornness. This game move has worked before
So how
do we respond to their games? We stand strong in “Chicken” and force them to
back down as businesses scream at them for bringing down the
We find
slogans that promote ObamaCare and mock the foolishness and anti-patriotism of
the Hypocricans.
We keep
our grass roots networks strong and active at all levels. We may not have as
much money as the Koch’s, but we can see that our people get to the polls
despite Hypocrican attempts to restrict voting.
We yell
“Republicans made the mess!” long and loud and don’t