Thursday, August 15, 2013


by Ruth A. Sheets

The 2013-14 school year is about to start.  Traditionally, at this point in the summer, there has been a lot of excitement among students and teachers, and relief among parents.  

For the students, parents, and teachers of my district, however, there is mostly anxiety.  August is half over and many of us do not even know which schools will be open and who will be teaching.

My district is not alone in this. As Republicans in office work to limit funding for education and add to the burden of poor school districts with vouchers, charter schools, and other unproven theories, the public schools are forced to cut programs, personnel, and supplies, while charters get what they need.

Many studies lately point to poverty as the variable which puts children at risk for poor performance in school, yet our legislatures and public executives have done little to address it.  In fact, many Republican (Hypocrican) proposals these days would serve to drive more families into poverty and others deeper in (eliminate food stamps, for example).

It makes perfect sense to Hypocricans to make teachers the target of their anger. Teachers are often in unions. Hypocricans hate unions because they demand salaries and wages above minimum wage. 

Hypocricans spread the lie that “anyone can teach.”  Notice that none of them chose teaching.  I guess it was beneath them when they could amass greater fortunes in more prestigious fields. 

Those who teach in charter schools don’t even need to be certified.  The belief is that if you follow the script, you can teach anything.  With their new law, in North Carolina, only 50% of charter school teachers need to be certified.   Without certification, it is possible to pay less.  Hmmm, one wonders if these legislators would want their children to attend the schools with uncertified teachers.  Of course they would, if only they lived in that neighborhood.  Yeah, right!

So the new school year will begin across America and the haves will continue to have more while the have nots will continue to lag behind and be blamed for it.   

The saving grace here is the number of truly dedicated, highly qualified teachers there are, willing  to teach our children who are in most need.  We love our students and want the very best for them.  We will do everything we can, despite Hypocrican  opposition, to build our students’ skills, talents, and hope in the future. 

Have an inspiring school year, students and teachers.  Don’t let the Hypocricans keep you down.

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