by Ruth A. Sheets
On Monday evening, May 2, 2022, a rare leak from the Supreme Court hit "Politico." It was a 98 page male diatribe against women's right to bodily autonomy in the guise of "States rights," and a fortunate event so we can see what the plan is.
Justice Samuel Alito, a white male wrote in this draft for the Court that the original Rowe v. Wade decision 49+ years ago was wrong. He makes a claim that abortion is not in the Constitution so the Court should not have permitted it on a Federal level.
Uh-huh! Not in the Constitution, huh? The Constitution does not talk about a lot of things like lying, cheating, killing, using drugs, allowing corporations to deny people rights, and more, yet the Court over the past 233 years has ruled on them. Our Constitution did not say that all Black persons should be slaves and that they could never be citizens, yet the Court ruled on those things and not in favor of Black persons on the whole, until Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 despite the passage of the 13th through 15th Amendments, and they even struck down the 1875 Civil Rights Act. As if that were not enough, in 2013 they struck down the most important parts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act because one of the worst offenders before that act was passed, Alabama, didn't want to let Black people vote anymore.
There is no "God" in the Constitution as most of those at the convention were deists who did not believe in dictating one's religion, yet the Court has permitted businesses and others to deny rights to people on religious grounds. There is nothing in the Constitution about campaign financing yet the Roberts Court had little trouble calling money speech and forbidding any campaign finance limitations by state or local governments through "Citizens United." Therefore, Alito's argument is ridiculous, but I am sure it made him feel good writing it and doing just what the Roman Catholic American bishops wanted him to do. And, I suspect he caucused with the other 4 conservative Roman Catholic justices to make sure he got the argument just right (or Right enough).
Keep in mind, there have probably been more lies tied to Rowe v. Wade and abortion rights told by Republicans than for any other issue in our lifetime.
The archivist who should have published the ERA as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution, ducked out recently on his responsibility to publish the ERA as the 28thAmendment by retiring. No supporter of democracy will thank him for that. The ERA could have given women bodily autonomy as men have, and make the whole abortion challenge a moot point. That could still happen, but . . . .
I've heard it said that Donald Trump wanted Amy Coney Barrett to write the anti-abortion, anti-Rowe v. Wade ruling as a slap in the face to all women since it would be a woman who would be taking away their rights and justifying it. That's why she was nominated in the first place, to replace a feminist icon, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, after 2 definite anti-Rowe v. Wade white men were nominated by Trump, one of them credibly accused of attempted rape (perhaps of other things too, but the FBI never allowed those other reports to be seen.). I guess the men didn't trust their misogynistic ruling to one of the most misogynistic women anywhere.
I understand there was no consideration of the impact of reversing Rowe v. Wade on the American people in the leaked draft. The reason, the correct people will be harmed, so, no need to address it. All of those impacted will be women of reproductive age. The middle and upper class women can get to an abortion site while disadvantaged women of all hues will be stuck carrying pregnancies they should have been able to terminate if they chose too, forced-birth.
The conservatives on the Supreme Court have only contempt for women and show it by letting illegal laws go into effect (the shadow docket), by not hearing cases that would give women rights declaring the lower court case should stand, and more. In short, women are the targets of this punitive ruling whatever it looks like in its final form. Poor women and women of color will pay the price for this smug conservative ruling that "States' Rights" is at play here. Of course it isn't. It's fear that women will be stepping up to claim a full place in the power structure of this country, and that white men won't be able to control them anymore.
Poor women and women of color already receive the worst healthcare in this country because medical corporations have decided that is acceptable. Hospitals and clinics regularly close, refuse to see, or treat people badly if they live in rural areas or in communities of predominantly Black and Brown people. The huge urban hospitals do not want to meet the needs of those who can't afford their services, particularly if they don't have the high-end insurance that the hospitals feel warrant excellent care. Reproductive service centers provide a lot of the best care for these women and now will be forced to close, leaving the women with nothing. VICTORY!
John Roberts whined, in writing, after the leak that someone had "violated the confidences of the Court" but he doesn't mind his court violating the confidences of women who choose or need to secure abortions. Yep, hypocrisy. This Court has it in abundance yet the justices want us to respect them and their decisions. Brazen, but typical of white males in power these days.
What is the end game? Republicans/conservatives erroneously named themselves "Right to Life" back 40 years ago or so, but what they really were and are is anti-women with an anti-abortion emphasis. They are salivating now that they have their goal in sight. They have wrapped their heads around this single issue for so long, they will need something to prove they remain just as mean and hateful, to keep the attention of their base. There is no end game. Republicans will continue to do as much damage to our nation and its people as possible and they will always have excuses for their stances. I suspect the next immediate targets will be:
- get the states to pass the most restrictive abortion bans possible. The private for-profit prisons are emptying of drug users and innocent people. Women and abortion providers can fill the empty spaces to fulfill the contracts. Some states even want to put women to death. Well, women will already be dying because a lot more women die from pregnancy than abortion (14 times the number), that is when abortion is safe and legal. The rate will be higher when abortion is illegal because abortions will still happen just as they have for thousands of years. They might end in death as the forced pregnancy might too.
- Contraception is incorrectly called abortion by the anti-science conservatives who are ignorant of just about everything related to the human body. It seems what they want is forced pregnancy, some kind of "god's will" nonsense.
- Abortion has nothing to do with "gay marriage," but that is a next target. Those antis fear everything they don't understand and everyone who does not see the world the way they themselves do.
- Allowing states to ban interracial marriage is another hopeful arrow in the conservative quiver. They hate anyone who is not white and "pure-blooded." It is disgusting that people with such backward racist beliefs have so much power and influence in our democracy.
- Maybe men, particularly non-white men will be targeted too with DNA tests to prove they are the fathers of the babies born to women who have experienced forced-births but can't support the child. Ooooo! You one-stand men might owe child-support.
There are a few things we women and our supporters can do:
- If you have the slightest chance you might be pregnant,
get a test now and arrange an abortion ASAP if you want to discontinue the
pregnancy. Some organizations are helping women get to where they
need to go to get one. Take advantage of their help if you need it.
- Women, get an IUD or implant birth control device ASAP if
you don't want to become pregnant in the next few years. The crazies are
on a roll and you should feel the target on your back because it's there.
Some organizations can help with this too. Check with Planned Parenthood
or NARAL for suggestions.
- Men, if you do not want to be involved in child-support
and don't want to father another child, get a vasectomy. A few days of
pain and discomfort could save a woman's life and your reputation.
- VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! for people who believe in women's rights
of bodily autonomy. Be a single issue voter for a time or two. Just
because Republicans did that and now have a pathetic base who goes along with
whatever Fox "News" says and can be easily manipulated doesn't mean
it will happen to folks who actually think things out. Besides, it would
only be for a short time. You know there are so many other
important challenges to our society and world. Republicans don't!
- In every place possible, speak up for women's right to
bodily autonomy. That should be one of the most basic rights, one which
the Supreme Court should not be able to deny. Seeing women as having an
innate right to bodily autonomy, could end the whole cascade of other rights-warping
Republicans want to do.
Remember, there is no Republican "end game." They will continue to take away people's rights as long as we allow it, so let's stop allowing it!
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